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Men's Double-Header Softball
Join in on the fun of Men's Double-Header Leagues. Gather your friends to form a team and enjoy the social and physical benefits of the program.

Each team is guaranteed 10 games. Register at the Riverfront Community Center. The first six teams will need to pay the appropriate league fee and turn in an official team roster with a minimum of 10 names, signatures, addresses, and phone numbers. After the first 6, teams will need to return an official roster form with 10 names, addresses, and phone numbers to be accepted into the league.

Teams with 7 or more non-resident players must pay the non-resident fee. Resident players must live inside the city limits of Leavenworth.

Registration Starts: Monday, June 21, 2004
Registration Deadline Monday, July 26, 2004
League Fee: $175/Resident Team, $195/Non-Resident Team
Youth Flag Football
Let your 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th grader enjoy the benefits of a Youth Flag Football League. The league will be instructional. There will be a draft for new players in the league, but the emphasis will still be placed on learning and having fun. The days and times will be decided based on the number of registrations.

Registration Starts: Monday, July 19, 2004
Registration Deadline Friday, August 20, 2004
League Fee: $30/Resident $35 Non-Resident
Adult Co-Ed Softball Leagues
Join in on the fun of Coed Softball Leagues. Gather your friends to form a team and enjoy the social and physical benefits of the program.

Each team is guaranteed 10 games. To register, come to the Riverfront Community Center, pay appropriate fees and turn in official team roster with a minimum of 10 names, signatures, address and phone numbers.

Leagues are open to all men and women in the 9th grade or above during current school year (04-05).

Teams with 7 or more non-resident players must pay the non-resident fee. Resident players must live inside the city limits of Leavenworth.

Registration Starts: Monday, June 21, 2004
Registration Deadline Monday, July 26, 2004
League Fee: $175/Resident Team, $195 Non-Resident Team
Adult Co-Ed Sandlot Volleyball Leagues
Have some fun in the sand! Call your friends, family members, or co-workers for Coed Sandlot Volleyball leagues. Sandlot courts are located at David Brewer Park, 19th and Ottawa.

Each team is guaranteed 10 games. To register, come to the Riverfront Community Center, pay appropriate fees and turn in official team roster with a minimum of 6 names, signatures, address and phone numbers.

Leagues are open to all men and women in the 10th grade or above during current school year (04-05).

Teams with 5 or more non-resident players must pay the non-resident fee. Resident players must live inside the city limits of Leavenworth.

Registration Starts: Monday, June 14, 2004
Registration Deadline Friday, July 19, 2004
League Fee: $90/Resident Team, $100 Non-Resident Team
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