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Severe Weather Safety Tips
The tornado season runs from March through July. In the event of a Tornado or Sever Thunderstorm:
Move to a basement, cellar or underground shelter area
If an underground shelter is not available, move to an interior area of lowest level (hallway, bathroom, closet). The more walls between you and the outside, the better. Avoid areas with windows and outside walls or doors.
If you are in a mobile home, move to the designated shelter area or a prearranged shelter. Do not seek shelter under a mobile home. A tornado can easily overturn it.
If you are in your car, pull off the road and seek shelter in a low, narrow area (i.e. ditch, culvert). Lie flat on your stomach and cover your head and neck with your arms to protect yourself from flying debris. Watch for rapidly rising waters in the ditch.

Do not seek shelter under a car. A tornado can easily overturn it. Experts also say not to seek shelter from a tornado under a highway overpass. The overpass and the underpass act like a wind tunnel, and debris in the air could fly through at an accelerated rate.
Be familiar with designated shelters when you are in public buildings.

The American Red Cross recommends assembling a Disaster Supplies Kit containing:

  • First Aid Kit and essential Medicines;
  • Canned food and can opener (non-electric);
  • At least three gallons of water per person;
  • Protective clothing, bedding or sleeping bags;
  • Battery-powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries;
  • Special items for infant, elderly or disabled family members;
  • Written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas and water if authorities advise you to do so. (Remember, you will need a professional to turn natural gas service back on)
Design an Emergency Communication Plan and Practice that plan with your family on a regular basis.
Lightning is the most common threat during severe weather. If you are outside avoid natural lightning rods such as tall, isolated trees in an open area or on top of a hill, and metal objects such as wire fences, golf clubs and metal tools.

If you are in your car during a lightning storm, do not touch metal objects or conducting surfaces inside or outside your car to avoid being shocked. Lightning can travel through wet ground to your car. While the steel frame of a hard-topped vehicle increases protection if you are touching metal, rubber tires do not provide protection from lightning.

Although you may be injured if lightning strikes your car, you are much safter inside a vehicle than outside.
Know the difference between a "Watch" and a "Warning"
Severe Thunderstorm Watch:
Sever thunderstorms are possible. Watch the sky, listen to the radio for more information, and be prepared to take shelter.
Severe Thunderstorm Warning:
Severe thunderstorms are occuring. Take shelter and wait for an announcement that the storm has passed.
Tornado Watch
Conditions are right for tornadoes to form. Watch the sky, listen to the radio and be prepared to take shelter.
Tornado Warning
A tornado has been sighted in your area. Take shelter immediately.

After the Tornado passes:

  • Watch for fallen power lines and stay out of damaged areas;
  • Listen to the radio for information and instructions;
  • Use a flashlight to inspect your home for damage;
  • Do not use candles at any time.

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