600 Walnut
P.O. Box 88
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
Phone Numbers:
Administration 913-682-6523
Child Care Center 913-682-6523
Thrift Store 913-682-7573
24 Hr. Emergency 913-682-6523 or contact local police
Hours of Service: Administration
Office 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Child Care Center 6:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Thirft Store Mon-Fri 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Emergency Services 24 hours
Sunday School / Adult Bible Class: Sunday @ 9:45 a.m.
Sunday Worship Services @ 11:00 a.m. Holiness Meeting
@ 6:00 p.m. Salvation Meeting
Bible Study Tuesday @ 6:00 p.m.
Description of Service:
The Salvation Army of Leavenworth County, Kansas, subscribes to the
Mission Statement of the Salvation Army (International) and is accountable
to the Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters (Kansas City, Mo) and
the Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters (Des Plaines, IL).
Locally we offer:
- Programs and services adressing spiritual guidenace and counseling.
- Emergency social services addressing crisis needs related
to shelter, utilites, prescriptions, clothing furniture, etc.
- Child Care Center (licensed) (preparing for accreditation)
for children 2 1/2 years through 6th grades "Before & After
School," "Pre-school," "Drop-in."
- Thrift Store sales of quality used clothing, furniture, household
items, selected antiques and bargains. All proceeds from store
sales return to the community via the other programs/services
listed above.
- Variety of youth summer camps for children/families of all
ages at the MO-KAN camp.
- Distribution site in Leavenworth County of government commodites
of foods for those federally qualified.
- Work site for local, state, and federal court required community
- Community Center featuring gymnasium structured and supervised
activities, pool table, table games, indoor tennis practice
wall, basketball, and more. Membership required.
- Youth activities of Girl Guards, Sunbeams and Boys' Club.
- Selected music education of brass instruments.
- Volunteer participation via program leadership, advisory board
guidance, and task centered services (including, but not limited
to: sorting clothing, teaching children, office duties and more).
- Creative programs involving music, ceramics, education, worship,
servcie and more.
- League of Mercy services involving hospital, shut-in, and
V.A. center visitations.
- Fellowship groups for women, men and children offering fun,
education, and ministries.
Public Appeal for Needs:
High standards of fiscal responsibility and stewarship of public
funds are primary and demonstrated inall levels of operations. General
sources of income are as follows:
10% - United Way of Leavenworth
35% - Thrift Store Sales
15% - Internal contributions: tithes/offering
40% - Donations via Bell Ringing, Mail Appeals, and Unsolicited
Direct your tax deductible financial contributions to The Salvation
Army of Leavenworth, Kansas at the above address. |