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Leavenworth County Council on Aging
525 Shawnee
Leavenworth, Kansas 66048

Fax: 913-684-0779

Hours of Service: 7:00 to 4:00, Monday through Friday

Description of Service:
The Council on Aging provides services for those 60 years and older. Following is a list of our services: Transportation which is provided to the General Public for handicapped and ambulatory clients to and from nutrition sites, medical appointments, shopping and other necessary business. Kansas City medical appointments are available on Mon-Wed-Fri. All rides are by appointment and can be made by calling 684-0778. All reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. A licensed Social Worker is on staff to provide Case Management services. A Case Manager works in tandem with seniors in identifying areas in which community resources could be utilized to solve problems they may be experiencing. Information and Assistance Specialist connects the senior to the agency that will best solve their individual problems, thus preventing needless unproductive calls by the senior to various agencies. The Specialist is also available to help with a variety of problems including scheduling legal appointments, transportation, housing, completion of forms and applications or any other problem the senior is experiencing. Congregate and Home Delivered Meals are provided by the Council five days a week, Monday through Friday. There are six nutrition sites located throughout the county. A reservation in advance is required. For those individuals who are unable to prepare their own meals due to illness, or are unable to participate at a nutrition site, there are home delivered meals available. For more information call 684-0782.Our agency offers an invaluable service called Errand Program to help the sick or homebound to do shopping, bill paying and general errands for those who are unable to do these things for themselves. We also have an In-Home Services Specialist who does telephoning and visiting with seniors. For those who are frail, she has on-going contact with them. If more services are needed she makes referrals to the Case Manager.

Public Appeal for Needs:
Most services provided by the Council on Aging are supported by federal, state, and local dollars. With increasing costs and decreasing funding and revenues, we desperately need the continued financial support through contributions both from our seniors and organizations. Without this financial support we cannot ensure that our programs and services will continue to be maintained at the current levels.

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