Historical Society Gazette
Volume 9, Issue 1
Spring 2000


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The year 2000 is here and another year of service for the Historical Society and the Carroll Mansion has passed. 1999 was a good one for the Museum. Thanks to the financial support of several generous supporters, we reached our financial goals for the budget year. The Holiday events that closed out the year were well attended. The Christmas Homes Tour had its best attendance and income figures to date. The total net receipts were just under $7,000.00. This successful event enabled the Museum to repair and finish floors and update the electrical wiring throughout the building (see the story below). Thanks to Robin Franks and the Vintage Homes Society members for their hard work. We owe a special thank you to the home owners whose homes were the essential centerpieces of the tour. The cataloguing of all museum holdings is being done on Past Perfect Museum Software. Much has been done and much more remains to be done. Work on the Everhard Photographic Collection continues as we print more images from the negatives. All of these efforts depend on your continued support.

Historical Marker on Fifth Avenue homes is being installed in front of the Museum. I have purchased an old home and moved to Leavenworth, along with my wife Linda and my dog Elsie, both of whom enjoy walks along South Esplanade as much as I do. Seriously, I am very happy with the hard work of my co-workers, Christine and Wanda, and the wonderful support of the volunteers and membership. I am particularly appreciative of the support and encouragement of the Board of Directors of the Leavenworth County Historical Society, my predecessors Brother Robert Holt and Victoria Erbe, and the assistance of local officials on all levels. If you have any suggestions or concerns regarding the Museum, please feel free to contact me.


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The Carroll Mansion was closed for two months this winter so that several major projects could be completed. First, the floors in the center hall, the parlor, the library and the "square room" are repaired. A number of parquet boards were loose or unattached in these areas. Several hearths as well had loose tiles. The front upstairs bathroom had many loose tiles. All of these are reattached.

Several floorboards in the hall, parlor and "square room" had to be replaced with the appropriate woods and stained to match. Then all of the wood floors mentioned, as well as the stairs and the landing above were cleaned and refinished with a special varnish that will last for a minimum of ten years. Robbins Hardwood Flooring of McLouth performed the work admirably. Don Robbins has worked on the museum floors for more than twenty years. He and his son Bryan donated all of the repairs, worth more than $1,200.00, and only billed us for the refinishing work. We hope our members will remember them when they need floor refinishing work. We hope to refinish all of the floors in the museum over the next three years.

Much electrical work has been completed. The hanging lamp over the main staircase has been rewired, cleaned and reattached. One of the period fixtures in the library was rewired. All lines that were open have been enclosed in conduit, substandard lines have been replaced and new lighting has been installed in the collections room. All of the lights on the front porch are now operating period fixtures. Mike Brightwell of Albert & Son donated two lovely hanging lamps which now adorn the north and south end of the porch. Albert & Son did a fine job on this extensive repair.

The old lead and cast iron plumbing lines under the restroom separated and were replaced with modern plastic lines. A clean out was installed in the bathroom so that the line can be serviced from there. Chuck’s Plumbing did the work quite satisfactorily.

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On December 30, a reception was held at the museum with Brother Robert A. Holt as the guest of honor. The event was well attended and Brother Robert met many long time friends. A good time was had by all. Thanks to all who provided refreshments and other provisions.

On January 7th, 2000 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Victoria Erbe, former Museum Administrator, gave birth to Jacqueline Yvonne Erbe Dyke. Miss Dyke measured 19 1/4 inches and weighed 6 pounds 1 ounce. Mother and daughter are both doing fine.

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MUSEUM SERVICES: Research Requests by Wanda Holder

Responding to requests for historical and genealogical information has always been an integral part of the Historical Society’s mission. Those requests are accelerating, particularly since the Society has acquired a web site.

In 1991 the total number of reference requests was 26; in 1993 there were 47 requests. In 1996 and 1998 the numbers were 67 and 55. In 1999 there were 75 requests.

The majority of requests are seeking family history. Some examples of other types of questions we have answered are: from Tennessee--history of the US Penitentiary; from California--information on the types of cargo shipped on the Santa Fé Trail; from Washington--history of the Great Western Stove Company; from the Internet--information on a couple married in a balloon in Leavenworth in 1893. Other topics included: biographical information on Walter Cronkite, pictures of Nettie Hartnett, information on schools for African-American children in 19th century Leavenworth, and information on the Anthony family.

We also assist walk-in visitors, media, authors and many others throughout the year. We have had 24 requests on the internet in the first six weeks of 2000.

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BOOK REVIEW by Marianna Spain

"Jennison’s Jayhawkers" by Stephen Z. Starr

When the Civil War began in 1861, Kansas had suffered from debilitating conflict for the seven years it had been a territory. Intent upon making the area pro-slavery were the Missourians who found themselves already bounded on two sides by the free states of Illinois and Iowa. If Kansas were settled by Abolitionists, Missouri would have a third border through which slaves could escape.

The North encouraged emigration of free soil settlers into the newly formed territory. Thus began a struggle whose scope, viciousness, and confusion are difficult for the modern citizen of western Missouri or eastern Kansas to envision.

Arising out of this chaos to positions of prominence were two men who made Leavenworth their home. Daniel R. Anthony and Charles R. Jennison were volatile in nature, totally committed abolitionists and jayhawkers. In all probability the emergence of "Jayhawk" as a synonym for a Kansan came from the activities of the Seventh Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, a regiment raised and organized by Jennison with Anthony as second in command. Because Jennison was often absent, Anthony found himself performing most of the duties.

On Friday, November 8, 1861, the Seventh Kansas began its career as a fighting regiment. Led by Anthony it departed Fort Leavenworth for Kansas City, Independence and later for Mississippi.

The Seventh angered authorities and Missourians with its jayhawking, the freeing of slaves and property as they went. The Seventh was composed of men who allowed no one to forget they were free citizens of a free country. They were not impressed either by rank or orders that violated their abolitionist beliefs. Anthony’s famous General Orders Number 26 forbidding the searching of the Seventh’s camp for fugitive slaves was in defiance of military orders and in delighted agreement with his men.

The Seventh returned home to be refused service by the owner of the ferryboat at Weston. They bodily carried the ferryman and his crew ashore, manned the wheel boiler and engine and ferried themselves home.

Stephen Z. Starr’s "Jennison’s Jayhawkers" makes this tempestuous era come alive. The reader sees the city of Leavenworth with every citizen armed with at least one pistol, revolver, or Bowie knife. He feels for the Seventh dismounting to fight in the mud or to make "pleasant acquaintances" near its camp in Mississippi.

Copies of the book are available in the Museum gift shop for $16.95.

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The Museum would like to thank . . .

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March 16, 6:00 p.m.--Annual Dinner at the Leavenworth Country Club

March 25, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.--Everhard photo workshop at the Museum. Anyone interested in helping to clean and catalog the Everhard Collection is required to attend this training workshop. No fee for volunteers. R.S.V.P. by March 20th.

March 31/April 1--Kansas Preservation Alliance State Conference

April 14, 12 noon--Spring Lunch and Learn at the Museum.   Topic-"Quilts-Stitched with Love" by Joy Kozak & Jerry Stube.   Cost $6.00 for members and $7.00 for non-members. R.S.V.P. by April 10th.

May 6, 8:00 a.m. -12 Noon--Herb Market at the Museum

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Anonymous New Brochure
Bill Bishop Building Repairs
Mary Ellen Roach Higgins Museum Operations
Tony Baker Christmas Decorations
Homer G. Cory Everhard Collection
Donna Macke Museum Operations
Gary Bradley Museum Operations
Mr./Mrs. John Lenahan, Sr. Museum Operations
Barton & Dr. Mary Cohen Museum Operations
Joy Kozak Water Lines

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From For
Jess & Joann Hendricks George McKay
Dr & Mrs William Allen, Sr. James Blalock
Bro. Robert A. Holt Betty Collard
William & Elizabeth Dysinger Dorothy Murray
William & Elizabeth Dysinger Betty Collard
William & Leone Jones George Bernhardt
William & Leone Jones Betty Collard
Mary Jo Springe Betty Collard
Garden & Civic Club Ruth Harrison
Alyne M. Schanze Col. A.E. Schanze

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Mark Bureman, Museum Administrator
* Grey Ink, Designer
The Historical Society Gazette is published quarterly for members of the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum
Send comments/suggestions to:
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