For Our Residents
For Our Visitors
Moving does not have to be a traumatic experience. Comprehensive pre-planning, organization, and family meetings to establish each person's responsibilities will go a long way in maintaining harmony and efficiency.
For the Children
Provide the children with photographs of their new home and school. Once they know what to expect and begin to visualize themselves in their new surroundings, they feel much happier and are more cooperative.
Planning is the KEY!
Send changes of address to:
Post Office with forwarding address
Charge Accounts, credit cards
Friends and Relatives

Bank - transfer funds. Carry Travelers Checks for ready cash
Internet Service Provider - deactivate account, forward e-mail
contents to new account
Insurance - notify new location for coverage
Health Care Provider - have a physicians' directory listing sent
to your new address.
Utility companies - Make arrangements for service as per lease
agreement for water, sewer,
trash, electric and gas, etc.
Bring a letter of credit from current utility vendor to avoid

Miscellaneous Checklist:
Establish your e-mail and internet service at your new location.
Make arrangements for cable television service.
Make arrangements for telephone service.
When your move is complete, treat yourself to something you
enjoy. How about a massage at a local spa, family day out at a local park or a movie.
Compliments of Leavenworth Rentals
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