
Checking Accounts


Earns interest daily

$50 minimum to open the account

Canceled checks are held for safekeeping

Free traveler's checks

No service charge if an account balance of at least $500 is maintained throughout the account cycle. If the balance is maintained between $300 and $499.99, the service charge is only $3. If the balance is maintained between $0 and $299.99, the service charge is only $5.

Unlimited check writing if an account balance of over $500 is maintained throughout the account cycle. There will be a charge of $0.15 per debit, after 25 debits if the balance falls below $500 anytime during the cycle.

The PATRIOT I Account

Earns interest daily

$50 minimum to open the account

Free traveler's checks

No service charge if an account balance of at least $1,000 is maintained throughout the account cycle. If the balance maintained is between $500 and $999.99, the service charge will be $5. If the balance is maintained between $0 and 499.99, the service charge will be $10.

Unlimited check writing if an account balance of over $1,000 is maintained throughout the account cycle. There will be a charge of $0.15 per debit, after 25 debits if the balance falls below $1000 anytime during the cycle.

The Money Market Account

Earns interest daily

$1,000 minimum to open the account

Free traveler's checks

This account earns a higher interest rate if an account balance of at least $2,500 is maintained throughout the account cycle.

There is no monthly service charge unless the balance falls below $500.

Money market accounts are limited to 6 transfers per statement cycle of which 3 may be checks

The 50 Plus Account

Earns interest daily

$50 minimum to open the account

Designed for our customers who are 50 years of age or older

Free club checks

Free traveler's checks

No service charge if an account balance of at least $100 is maintained throughout the account cycle. If the balance maintained is between $0 and $99.99, the service charge will be $5.

Unlimited checkwriting if an account balance of over $100 is maintained throughout the account cycle. There will be a charge of $0.15 per debit, after 25 debits, if the balance falls below $100 anytime during the cycle.

The Student Account

$50 minimum to open the account

Designed for the student 16 - 25 years of age and carrying at least 12 credit hours

No monthly service charge

There is a charge of $0.15 per debit after 25 debits.

Last Update: 03/02/97
Web Author: Staff
Copyright �1997 by citizens savings and loan association - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED