Coming Soon:
A Shrine to Brandon and Steve
Why, because we felt like doing it.
Besides, we went to all the trouble of putting this whole thing together.
And ask yourself another question:  What are you really going to do about it anyway?
For those of you who don't already know, this is me (Brandon, that is).  My accomplice, Steve, will have his picture posted here shortly (as soon as he gives it to me).  Until then, however, he will be represented by the psycho looking man who is madly pounding on the computer shown here.
We wanted to create this web site mainly because both of us love computers and were interested in how to create a web site.  Now we know.  This was also the project we chose to complete for our Pennacle class (I know that's not how to spell "pinnacle" but trust me, that's how you spell the class).  Much to the amazement of everyone, it actually was finished (sort of, note all the under construction pages).  But they will all be done as soon as possible.