Historical Society Gazette

Volume 6 , Issue 4
Winter 1997/98

Harvey Month
Harvey Reception
Wassail Party
Work Day - Sunday, November 16
1997 Candlelight Homes Tour
Children's Holiday Party
Christmas Tree Donation
1876 Leavenworth City Map
Carrie Hall Quilt Project is Huge Success!
Another Harvey Event
Holiday Parties in a Victorian Atmosphere
Volunteer to do Book Repair
Grants Request-Update
Everhard Photo Collection Update
Annual Dinner & Meeting
Membership Drive - 1998
Ice Cream Social a Success
Bake Sale Brings in $200
Future Events
C.W.Parker Poster Available in Gift Shop - Holiday Gift Idea
Scraps of Local History

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Mr. J. Stewart Harvey, great-grandson of Fred Harvey, will be visiting Leavenworth on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of November. He will be our special guest for the Fall Day Trip to Kansas City, on November 18. Please join us as we discover the fascinating exhibition titled "Inventing the Southwest: The Fred Harvey Company and Native American Art." This exhibition was organized by the Heard Museum, Phoenix, Arizona and is currently on display at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri.

The Leavenworth County Historical Society is planning a group visit to this exhibit on Tuesday, November 18, 1997. Cost is $35 for Society members and includes, transportation, lunches and museum admission. The group will also visit a Vintage Leavenworth home, which was built by Fred Harvey for his daughter upon her marriage at the turn of the century. We will also stop at Mt. Muncie Cemetery to visit the Harvey Family Lot. A special wreath laying will be done by Mr. Harvey and representatives of the society. Lunch will be at the Station Casino's Feast Around the World, with a truly railroad theme, in Kansas City's newest entertainment facility. A visit to the Kansas City Museum and the Frontier Town Exhibit will round out the day's activities. The group will leave the museum grounds at 10:00 A.M. and return by 5:30 P.M. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

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On Monday, November 17, at 6:30 P.M. the Leavenworth County Historical Society will be welcoming Mr. J. Stewart Harvey to Leavenworth with a reception at the Carroll Mansion, 1128 Fifth Avenue. Mr. Harvey is the great-grandson of Leavenworth notable Fred Harvey. Mr. Harvey will be in Leavenworth to help us celebrate Harvey Month, and will be visiting local attractions, as well as visiting with local Historical Societies about future exhibits featuring Harvey Material and the Harvey Home at 7th & Olive.

Please come and welcome Mr. Harvey. The Historical Society has secured a wonderful color print of the Harvey Residence, and we will be presenting it to Mr. Harvey during this special reception. We are also working with Leavenworth City Hall, hoping to secure an official welcome from the Mayor's office.

If you plan to attend this special reception, please call the museum to RSVP.

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Members of the Historical Society are reminded of the Annual Wassail Party scheduled for Friday, December 5, 1997 from 5:30 - 8:30 P.M. at the museum, 1128 Fifth Avenue. Historical Society members and their guests will spend the evening singing carols, enjoying special treats, and Wassail. The historical society has scheduled some special entertainment for the evening.

Those planning to attend are asked to bring a plate of finger food for all to enjoy. Members are also asked to RSVP to the Museum by calling 913-682-7759. Come and enjoy "Good Luck betide you all, one bumpers more well fill, punch hopes, and ever shall, for peace and good will, that's Wassail!" John Tenniel, December 1888.

Please plan to attend this annual celebration of the Leavenworth County Museum. As members of the Historical Society, we need to have a time to treat ourselves. We have had a wonderful year, with grants, well-attended projects, and many improvements. Come and celebrate with other members of the Historical Society.

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The Board of Directors has scheduled a decoration work day at the Museum on Sunday, November 16, from 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. (After the Chiefs game) We will be setting up the Christmas Tree, placing the garland, and other tasks that need to be done for the Holiday Exhibit. Past President, Glenn L. Knapp, will be providing a wonderful chili supper for all who help. We need your help, and hope that you can attend this special work day at the Museum. Please call 682-7759 if you can help with this project. We will need to know how much chili to make. Remember many hands makes light work for all.

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"Featuring the Homes of Broadway" The Leavenworth Vintage Homes Society will once again host Leavenworth's Annual Candlelight Homes Tour on Sunday, December 14, 1997 from 4:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M., This year, nine vintage homes, all located on Broadway in Leavenworth, and Leavenworth's Victorian Carroll Mansion will be decorated for the holidays, and will be open for touring. Special homes of note, include the Allen Home, 714 South Broadway, which is listed on the National Register of Fbstorical Places. This three-story Queen Anne brick mansion is one of Leavenworth's best. Many of this year's homes have not been on the tour before. Some of the homes, however, are old favorites and the tour wouldn't be complete without them.

This year special arrangements have been made with Penny Pinchers at 900 South Broadway to have a chili dinner served for $4 per person. This site will also have a mini gift shop featuring "Old World Christmas" ornaments hand made in Germany. This dinner and mini gift shop is sponsored by the Leavenworth County Historical Society.

Special transportation will be provided for ticket holders. A trolley will act as a shuttle among all the homes, the Leavenworth County Museum, and Penny Pinchers.

In the 1870's, Leavenworth was called the "Queen of the West" and a future second only to that of San Francisco was predicted. People prospered in manufacturing, coal mining, milling, furniture, stove and carriage making and even organ and piano manufacturing. Money was easy to make and many of the fortunate ones invested their profits in lovely large homes. Broadway was one of the finest streets in all of Leavenworth, and at one time, was called Millionaire's Row.

Tickets will go on sale November 15, at several locations throughout Leavenworth, including the museum, Ginny's Antiques, Country Cupboard, and Sally's Choices. Tickets are $10 each and include nine homes, the museum, and a ride on the old fashioned trolley. Only "500" tickets will be sold, so please reserve yours today, by calling the Leavenworth County Museum, (913) 682-7759.

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The Historical Society will hold its annual Children's Tree Trimming and Cookie Decorating Party on Friday, November 28, 1997. The party is scheduled from 1-4 P.M. Children ages five to twelve are invited to come and help decorate the giant Christmas Tree in the upstairs Children's Exhibit Room. They will also have the opportunity to bake cookies in the antique Great Western Stove and then decorate them; stories will be told and carols sung throughout the afternoon. This is a great activity for grandmothers and their grandchildren.

The children will be making Victorian Era ornaments for the tree from materials and patterns supplied by the museum. The children will be encouraged to make two, one for the museum tree and one to take home. Normal admission will be charged. If you are a Leavenworth County Historical Society member, just show your membership card, and you are welcome for free. Call (913) 682-7759 if you are interested in volunteering to help museum staff for this special event.

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Again this year, the Baker Christmas Tree Farm will donate $2 on your behalf to the Leavenworth County Historical Society, if you purchase your Christmas Tree from them. Please stop by the museum and pick up your special $2 donation coupon today. Only 100 donation coupons are available, so please call the museum to reserve yours. The museum will not receive the donation unless the coupon is presented at the time of purchase. A special thanks to Tony Baker, and the Baker Christmas Tree Farm for helping the museum.

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A few copies of the 1876 Leavenworth Centennial Map are still available at the Museum. These special pieces of Leavenworth history are wonderful gift ideas for the holidays. They are only $7.50 each. And as members of the Historical Society you can take your 10% membership discount off of this price. Thanks to LCHS board member Wes Ludwig, the 1876 Leavenworth City Map by Ado Hunnius was reproduced for sale in our gift-shop, the original was reframed using conservation matting, and is currently on display in the Square Room in the Museum. This 18" by 22" map lists more than 60 sites of interest in the Leavenworth community. The map is printed on buff colored paper, and is perfect for framing.

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Congratulations to Carol Keuhnhoff of Liverpool, New York. She was the winner of the Carrie Hall Star Quilt, recently quilted here at the museum by the Sewing on the Line Quilting Guild of Leavenworth and Lansing. Keuhnhoff was in Leavenworih for a Wedding scheduled here at the Museum, and at that time she donated funds for an opportunity to win the quilt. She was very happy to win the quilt, and reports that she has it proudly displayed in her New York home.

The Historical Society was very sad to see the quilt leave, however, through the donations and support of hundreds of people the Museum was able to realize a $1,200 profit, which has been put into the Everhard Photo Collection Account.

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We have secured the recently produced film, "Fred Harvey and the American West." We will be showing this film at a special Lunch and Learn program on Thursday, November 13, 1997. Our First Vice President, Marianna Spain, has been researching Fred Harvey the last several months, and will present her recently developed Harvey Talk. We will also be showing the movie "Fred Harvey and The American West." Please watch the paper, and your mail for more information on this special event.

To reserve your spot on the day trip or our special Harvey Lunch and Learn, please contact the museum at (913) 682-7759. You can also view our home page for more information. http://leavenworth-net.com/lchs/

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Want something different for your holiday get-together? Consider using Leavenworth's Victorian Carroll Mansion and enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of a bygone era. You furnish the refreshments and we provide the place, tables, chairs, coffee makers, and even the punch bowl. The user's fee for a morning event (8:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon) is $25. For an evening function (5:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.) the cost is $40. For functions needing the facility past 10:00 P.M. an extra $10 charge will be applied. For a meal, seating is limited to no more than 35 people. For a stand up reception, the museum can accommodate up to 100 people. Of course there is no smoking in the museum. A 24-hour alcohol permit is required when a cash bar is scheduled. All catering must be arranged by the group renting the museum.

Beginning November 20, 1997 the museum (mansion) will be decorated for the holidays in the true Victorian manner. Plan early, either call the museum or stop by to make reservations and to complete the needed user contract.

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Mrs. Edith Biggar, an Historical Society member, has volunteered to repair books for members of the Society for a $10 donation, which will be given to the Leavenworth County Historical Society. Edith attended our Book Repair workshop last year, and has been repairing the many books here at the museum. She has offered this service to the members of the Estorical Society, and will graciously donate the funds realized from this service to the museum.

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At the October Board of Directors meeting, the architectural firm of Pettijohn*Kinney made a presentation about the work to be done on the Museum porches and soffits. They have prepared construction documents and design specifications for the entire project. The State of Kansas Historical Preservation Department will review these drawings, and by January 1, 1998 we should be able to start the bid process for the renovation of the porch and soffits. This $90,000+ project is being funded by the Kansas State Historical Society's Heritage Trust Fund Grant Program, and the City of Leavenworth's Community Development Block Grant Program. If our society members would like to support this project, please consider a financial donation.

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Currently the society is in negotiations with several transportation companies trying to secure the safe return of the Everhard Photo Collection to Leavenworth. We are having difficulty finding a carrier who is able to bring the Nitrate Negatives across state lines. By the first of the year, the collection should arrive from California. We are currently securing the needed storage space for this prized collection. As some of the film is nitrate based, we are in need of a medium sized freezer for proper storage. The Nitrate-based negatives are very unstable, unless they are kept at a very cool temperature. We will store them in a freezer until we can properly process the film into a more stable state of photographic print.

Many thanks to societv members who have made financial donations recently, they include: Sally Hatcher, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Meyer, Mary 0. Stumph, and Liz Dysinger. Currently the Everhard Photo Fund has more than $3,000 invested. We will need an additional $5,000 to fully cover the costs of the collection, and transportation. This year's Candlelight Homes Tour proceeds have been earmarked to help cover the costs of this collection. Your extra donation is welcome and encouraged. If you have a used medium sized freezer, which you could donate to the Museum, please call our office at (913) 682-7759.

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The 44th Annual Dinner and Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 1998. This year's annual meeting and dinner will be held at the Leavenworth Country Club on Eisenhower Road. The program has been secured and we are pleased to announce that Max and Donna Daniels from Illinois, will portray President and Mrs. Lincoln for this special event. In 1996 when the Daniels were here, we had a wonderful time, and learned quite a bit about Lincoln and his life. We are really looking forward to this year's program and annual meeting.

Please note the date. More information on times and prices, will be in the next newsletter.

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1998 marks the beginning of our new membership year. Please consider sending in your membership investment early, thus saving the society postage and printing costs. Single Memberships are $10, Family $20, Contributor $25, Patron $50, Corporate $100. Life Membership is a one time gift of $1,000.

The Gallup Poll says that 76% of Americans make gifts to their favorite charitable organizations, more in December than any other month. The Leavenworth County Historical Society welcomes and appreciates all gifts. Cash is the most popular type of gift because it is simple to give, immediately effective, and easily earmarked for the current needs of the museum. If you itemize your deductions, you can deduct cash gifts up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. This may be the perfect time to consider a more significant gift to the Leavenworth County Mstorical Society. Please consider a Life Membership, which is a one-time gift of $1,000. Gifts of memorials are also welcome at this time of the year. Through a memorial/honor gift you can make a special tribute or gift to a loved one while also making a charitable gift to the Historical Society. All of the same tax advantages apply.

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This year's Ice Cream Social was a wonderful success. We sold more than 250 tickets, and served lots of ice cream and home made cake. The Historical Society Board of Directors sends a special thanks to the wonderful people who helped this annual event. More than 40 cakes were made by our members and volunteers. We can't list everyone's name, but we do appreciate their support. Thanks goes to Davis Moulden for printing the tickets, Dolsberry Appliances for donating a freezer for the ice cream, the Leavenworth City Band for suppling the wonderful entertainment, and the City, State and County elected officials who served the ice cream and cake. The winners of the cakes were Donald Biggs, and Danielle Kem.

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The Herb Market Committee of the Historical Society sponsored a bake sale at the Mum Festival at Homestead Nursery in early October. Many thanks for the wonderful support they received from our membership who provided baked goods and gave time manning the booth. We also appreciate the cash gifts, and the opportunity to share with others the many good works and programs the society has to offer.

We are looking forward to next year's Mum Fest, and the opportunity to have another bake sale. More than $200 was raised for support of the museum and its many programs.

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Please look forward to these upcoming events. The opening of the new historical society office, dedication of the museum's educational herb garden, dedication of the Saint Mary College historical plaque, the unveiling of the new portable display booth, the extensive renovation of the porches and soffits on the Carroll Mansion, Spring Lunch and Learn, and the Annual Dinner and Meeting. The Leavenworth County Historical Society has been an active part of the Leavenworth County Community for more than 40 years, and at the rate we are growing, we will surely be here for another 40 more.

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A beautiful color lithographed C. W. Parker Advertising poster was printed in the early 1900's and used to promote the sale and use of the Parker Carousels manufactured here in Leavenworth.

In support of The First City Museum's effort to bring a 1913 Parker Carousel back to Leavenworth, this color poster is available for purchase. For each poster sold, a portion of the money eamed will be donated to the First City Museum for the purpose of providing funds for the restoration and maintenance of the 1913 C. W. Parker Carousel being restored by the group.

The poster is absolutely beautiful and would be a welcome addition to any home. The price of each poster is $20. This low price will allow everyone to own this wonderful piece of Leavenworth's past. A framed copy of the print is also available for $150. Be sure to stop by the museum and pick yours up today for that special holiday gift.

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Springdale, which is located in the center of Alexandria township, Leavenworth County, was surveyed and platted 82 years ago this month by Hiram Rees and Eli Morris. It was settled, however, several years before that time by members of the Society of Friends or Quakers, and the settlement was named Springdale, for Springdale, Ia., from whence many of them came. A post office was established there September 24, 1860, with David F. Walker, as postmaster. The office was discontinued March 15, 1907. The first settler in the township is said to have been John Wright, who settled there in 1854. Springdale was quite a milling point at one time, two steam grist and saw mills having been located there.

In October, 1854, Murphy & Scruggs began operating the first saw mill in Leavenworth--In October, 1854, the first sale of town lots occurred in Leavenworth.--In October 1854, the Leavenworth Hotel, the first in the city, was opened by George H. Keller and A.T. Kyle.--In October 1854, the first United States territorial judges for Kansas, arrived in Leavenworth.--In October 1854, Adam and George Fisher arrived with the first families in Leavenworth--In October, 1854, the first religious Services in Leavenworth, were conducted by Elder W. C. Capels, of the M. E. church, under a tree. --In October 1854, John J. Bentz established the first wholesale grocery house in Leavenworth. (From the Leavenworth Times, 1930s)

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society has received the following memorials since the last edition of the Historical Society Gazette. All memorials are deposited into the Memorial Fund. Anyone is welcome to send memorials to the Historical Society. These funds help cover the costs of the Historic Plaque Program, and provide support in the preservation of artifacts.

Donor In Memory of
Wanda Holder Mildred Patterson
Robert A. Holt Mildred Patterson
Mrs. Helen J. Clark James Clark. Jr.
Sally Hatcher Wolfgang Walther
Elizabeth Dysinger Erma Manning

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Robert A. Holt, Museum Administrator
* Grey Ink, Designer
John H. Johnston III, Volunteer Editor
The Historical Society Gazette is published quarterly for members of the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum
Send comments/suggestions to:

[email protected]