Historical Society Gazette

Volume 6 , Issue 2

Annual Dinner & Meeting
1997 Membership Investment - Mid-Year Renewal Drive
Quilt in the Making
LCHS-Dedicates Plaque for 59th Historical Site in Leavenworth County
Fall Lunch & Learn
Herb Market 1997-Huge Success
1997 Master Gardeners to Plant Herb Garden at Museum
Home Page Update
Grant Request Update
Everhard Photo Collection
Historical Records Saved Thanks to Anonymous Donor
Other Thanks
Lincoln Revisits Leavenworth
Writing Family History
Quilts on Display
Board Members and Volunteers Attend Preservation Event
C.W.Parker Poster Available in Gift Shop
Smoky Hill Trail and the Butterfield Overland Despatch
Computer Donation
New History Books in Giftshop
Lewis & Clark Expedition Coloring Book
Historical Society Not Alone: Lansing, Fort Leavenworth, and First City Museum
Volunteers Sadly Missed
Annual Ice Cream Social & Antique Car Rally


The 43rd Annual Dinner and Meeting of the Leavenworth County Historical Society was held on Thursday, March 20th, 1997. We met in the Walnut Room in Mead Hall at Saint Mary College at 6:30 P.M. with a wine and cheese social, followed by a buffet dinner of London Broil and Chicken Marsala. Kathy Fox, President of the Society, presided over the event and presented the Annual Ella Carroll Memorial Volunteer Awards to Marianna Spain, Nettie Graden, and Beatrice Berg. These three ladies are outstanding volunteers of the Society and Museum. Robert A. Holt, Administrator reported on 1996 programs and events.

Special guest speaker was Sr. Mary Lenore Martin, SCL, who presented, "The History of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth". Sr. Mary Lenore is the current Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Society, and has retired as Chairperson of the Department of History at Saint Mary College. She holds the office of College Historian, and recently was appointed Curator of Collections for the College.

Three new board members were elected at the annual business meeting. They include Mr. Anthony (Tony) Baker, Mr. Dennis Seeler, and Mr. H. G. (Bud) Tordoff. Dennis was fulfilling a term, and Bud has been a member of the board before, so we welcome them back to our society. Mr. Baker, a longtime fliend of the Museum, and civic volunteer, will bring lots of new ideas, and energy to the board.

One sad note for the evening was the announcement of the death of Mr. Herman A. Ochs, Jr., a past president of the society and strong supporter of the museum. Herman's term as president was during 1986-1987. For each society function, Mr. Ochs would always send a special financial donation to help cover the behind-the-scenes expenses. He was a special friend of the Sisters of Charity, and was known to donate tickets so that the Sisters could attend our special events.

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Many people join the Historical Society throughout the year. Our board feels it is unfair to limit these donors, to a shortened membership year. Thus, we have set up a Mid-Year membership drive. Members who join after April, and before October are given a special expiration date of June 1st. This way they enjoy just as many benefits of membership as our members who join in January. If your address label on the front of your envelope is highlighted, please note that your membership investment is now due.

The funds received from membership investments represents nearly 1O% of our yearly budget. We are counting on your continued support via your annual donation. If you haven't sent your investment for the support of the Leavenworth County Historical Society, please take a few moments and do so today.

With your donation, a membership card will be forwarded to you from the Society. On the back of your membership card, the many benefits of membership are listed. We hope you will invite all your friends and neighbors to join this worthy organization. If you have any questions about your membership, or any of the benefits, call the office at (913) 682-7759. One benefit, is the reduced subscription rate for KANSAS! Magazine. Normally the cost is $15 per year, but for current LCHS Members only $11.

Membership categories are Single-$10, Family-$20, Contributor-$25, Patron-$50, and Corporate-$100. Life Membership is a one-time gift of $1,000. Send your membership to LCHS-1997 Mid-Year Membership Drive, 1128 Fifth Avenue, Leavenworth, KS 66048-3212.

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You're invited to see "a quilt in the making" in the upstairs sitting room of the Leavenworth County Museum. The Leavenworth/Lansing Sewing on the Line Quilting Guild will be working on a Madam Carrie Hall Star Quilt all summer. This project is a fund-raiser for the Historical Society, as we are asking for donations, for an opportunity to win this special quilt. The drawing will be held on Sunday, October 5, 1997 at the Annual Cultural Month Open House. Donations for an opportunity are $1 each or 6 for $5. Please feel free to mail in your donation, and we will forward your receipt (ticket) by mail.

Although Carrie Hall learned to quilt as a child, she didn't pursue it until she began collecting quilt patterns during World War I. She organized her collection into scrapbooks and envelopes, and began stitching a fabric block of each pattern, eventually reaching a total of 850. When the Great Depression threatened her dressmaking business, she began a new career as a lecturer in her mid-sixties. She traveled the state of Kansas with her block collection, speaking to women's study clubs, social clubs, and literary clubs. In 1935 she collaborated with Rose Kretsinger on The Romance of the Patchwork Quilt in America, which featured photos of Carrie's quilt blocks.

The quilt being fashioned by the Sewing on the Line group is a star designed by Eleanor Burns, of Quilt in a Day fame, as a memorial to honor Carrie Hall as an important part of Ameiica's Quilting History. The quilt is blue and gold, with a Kansas Sunflower print.

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On Thursday, May 15, 1997 at 3:00 PM the Plaque Committee of the Leavenworth County Historical Society dedicated the 59th historical plaque at the Nathaniel Burt Home, at 1200 Fifth Avenue, in Leavenworth, Kansas. The Burt Home was built in 1895 by the Great Westem Stove Company for their president Nathaniel Burt. It was designed by William Feth, a local architect who also designed the Leavenworth County Court House, and several other local historical structures like the Axa Building in downtown Leavenworth. The Burt home was listed on the Kansas and National Registers of Historic Places in 1987.

The current ovmers, Dr. William McCollum and Dr. Leah Stevens, have been instrumental in preserving this national historic site in Leavenworth. Members of the plaque committee include Davis T. Moulden, and Glenn L. Knapp, past presidents of the society. They both were on hand to dedicate this plaque honoring the historical significance of the site.

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"Talking Tombstones: History in the Cemetery" is the topic for this year's Fall Lunch and Learn program scheduled for Friday, October 24th, at the Leavenworth County Museum. Albert N. Hamscher, history professor at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, will present this interesting commentary showing how the physical design and the evolution of funerary "art" in Kansas cemeteries has reflected our changing views of life and death. Dr. Hamscher will note how stern Puritan tombstones, romantic nineteenth-century inscriptions, and today's more secular markers have provided clues that help us "read" historical changes. This presentation will feature several slides of the more interesting tombstones around Kansas.

Plan to attend this special presentation, lunch will be at noon, and costs $7 for LCHS members, $8 for non-members. The lecture is scheduled for 1:00 p.m., and is free to society inembers, and only $1 for non-society members. Call (913) 682-7759 by October 18th to RSVP. This program is brought to the Leavenworth area by the Historical Society and by the Kansas Humanities Council, a non-profit organization which champions the philosophy that learning is a lifetime activity.

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HERB MARKET 1997 - Huge Success

The weather was wonderful, and the sun was shining. The yard was trimmed and the plants were fresh and green. Herb Market 1997, was a huge success, bringing in over $2,500 for the Historical Society and its many programs. Over 300 people came to the Museum, and purchased a wide variety of herbs, tomatoes, gardening items, and had a wonderful time in our Back Yard Cafe.

We awarded several door prizes, and had many opportunities to win prizes. This year's winners were Barbara Gregory-Victorian Repast, Brian Perking-Mini Herb Garden, Retha Raines-Everlasting Hat, Athena Burton-Garden Rabbit, Lee Doehring-Pin Set, Kelly Mulvaney-Stone Set, Lois Buff-Rock W/plants, Annette Mustard-History Book, Nadine Bird-Book Certificates, Nancy Caber-Terra Cotta Bowl Kelley Lis and Felicia Vannoy-Herb Salad Dressings, Johanna Bankman-Garden Calendar, and Mary Homer won the Garden Tool Box.

A special thanks goes to our Herb Market 1997 Committee, Sally Hatcher this year's Chairperson, Sara Nieman, Ginny Johnson, Winnie Lichtenwalter, Jo Ann Hendricks, Joann Siebenmorgan, Sue Geversini, Elaine McConnell & Christel Ludwig. We can't name all of the over 40 volunteers who helped with publicity, set-up, take-down, baking, organizing, manning tables, greeting visitors, selling tickets, and all-around support of this, our second largest fund-raiser of the year, but we thank them all. Please mark your calendars for next year's market scheduled for Saturday, May 2, 1998. Chairperson for Herb Market 98 is Christel Ludwig.

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The 1997 Leavenworth Comty Master Gardeners class has selected the Leavenworth Museum as one of their class projects. They are planning to organize and establish an herb garden on our grounds. This garden will be used as an educational tool to provide a means of educating young and old alike of the importance and historical significance of floral, herbal and kitchen gardening.

Beverly LaRocque, vice president of the board, will be our liaison with this group. She, with the other members of the master gardener's group will be designing, developing, and planting the garden during the summer. For this project, we need and request that our members donate new and old bricks, to be used to outline the proposed Herb Garden. We also could use antique yard ornaments, old iron fence, and herb plants. If any members wowd like to donate to the Herb Garden Fund, please mail your tax-deductible contribution to LCHS-Herb Garden, 1128 Fifth Avenue, Leavenworth, KS 66048.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society has had a tremendoous amount of response concerning our new WWW-Home Page. We have heard from people around the country noting that our page has lots of useful information, and is helpful to people doing research. We invite our members to view our page at http:/leavenworth-net-com/lchs. We will have our newsletter on-line in the near future, and invite any of our members to send us suggestions on how to improve our page and make it more user friendly. Special thanks goes to board member, Pam Kontowicz, who volunteers to maintain and up-date our page throughout the year.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society received word on Wednesday, 7,May 21, 1997 that we will receive $74,980 from the Kansas State Historical Society's Heritage Trust Fund for the restoration of the Porch System and repair of soffits on the Edward Carroll Home. We are now required to raise a match of $18,000 for this project to start. We are waiting for word from the Hallmark Corporation about a substanial donation. We will also approach the City and County about this match. If all goes well, we will be doing some extensive restorations to the museum this summer. Wish the Society luck, as we are in need of the proposed restorations and repair work.

Special thanks goes to the Leavenworth County Commissioners who recently awarded our Society a $500 grant from the Leavenworth County Special Parks and Recreation Fund.

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A few weeks ago, Board Member, Pam Kontowicz flew to Los Angeles, California and viewed the Everhard Photo Collection. She has made a formal report to the Board of Directors about how we should negotiate the return of this special piece of Leavenworth History. Since our last newsletter, several of our members have made contributions to this project. They include: Glenn & Joanna Knapp, Dr. & Mrs. Robert LaRoque, Barton & Dr. Mary Davidson Cohen, Nell Briggs and Agnes Kramer. To Date we have collected over $1,000. We estimate the costs for the collection, plus transportation to be around $8,000. Your extra donation is welcome and encouraged.

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The Leavenworth/Fort Leavenworth/Fort Scott National Cemetery Office at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Veterans Affairs Administration Center announced that they would be forwarding the early burial records dating from 1865-1940 to the National Archives. Hundreds of peole use these records for family research. We felt that if these records left Leavenworth we might loose the ability to utilize them. In cooperation with the Leavenworth County Genealogical Society we gained permission from the National Cemetery to have these records microfilmed, thus having a copy stay in Leavenworth. An anonymous donor gave $707 for this project. We hope to have this project completed by September 1, 1997. The records will be copied onto several rolls of microfilm, and we will be working with our volunteers to index and sort the information into an easy format for use.

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When it comes to those special projects, when we need tickets printed or flowers for a centerpiece, we call upon Davis T. Moulden, past president of the society. This year he funded the printing of the raffle tickets for the Victorian Repast (A cost of over $100. He also donated a floral centerpiece for our annual dinner. This centerpiece was given away as a door prize to a lucky attendee. Our deep appreciation to Davis for his continued support. We also need to thank Mr. & Mrs. Ferris Taylor, owners of Flowers by Ferris, who donated several flower arrangements for our special dinner honoring Max & Donna Daniels, nationally known Lincoln authorities.

Another wonderful volunteer is Mr. John H. Johnston, III, who helps the society staff by proofreading our newsletter before it goes to print. This saves lots of embarrassment for Robert who has been known to capitalize too much, and fails to look up words when he's not sure of the correct spelling. The in-kind donations from businesses are just as important as monetary donations.

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An enthusiastic crowd, numbering over 100 people,showed up to welcome Mr. & Mrs. Lincoln to the Museum, on Tuesday, March 11, 1997. Max & Donna Daniels, who are the best known Lincoln impersonators of our time, spoke from the Historic Lincoln Steps, currently located in the South Gardens of the Museum. These steps, originally located at the Planters Hotel, were the site of Lincoln's first and only visit to Leavenworth in December of 1859.

Our Board of Directors hosted a dinner in the Lincoln Room at the Leavenworth National Bank that evening for the Daniels' and their entourage.

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Tap into the rich history of your own life and vividly compile your family stories for posterity. EN540 Autobiography: Writing Family History, is a two weekend workshop scheduled for June 13-21, 1997. Emporia State University, Office of Continuing Educaiton is offering this course at the National Teachers Hall of Fame, Emporia, Kansas.

This is not a genealogy course in which students will legally document their lives. Instead, students wills pend two weekends capturing their lives and families on paper by drawing from memory, handed-down tales, and physical evidence such as photos, heirlooms, and memorabilia. No previous creative writing experience is expected or required. There are different fees, depending on undergraduate, graduate, or non-credit options. Please call (316) 341-5216 for more information or to register for this unique class.

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On April 2, the Country Patchwork Quilting Guild from Marshal,Missouri, visited the Leavenworth County Museum. Fabric Mart, a locat notions shop, hosted a workshop for quilters, and included a visit to the Carroll Mansion as one of the activities. We displayed all 20 of the quilts in our collection for this special group.

The Historical SOciety has a wonderful quilt collection which includes several different varieties of quilts. Two of the quilts are unique casket covers. Another fours of our quilts have been deemed by the State of Kansas to be extraordinary and are registered in the Kansas Quilt Project, and date from 1858-1890.

This tour group allowed the museum staff the opportunity to change the folding and reline each quilt with acid free paper before rolling each one and placing it in its own muslin bag for storage. Protecting our collections from light and dust in this way and rotating the quilts on exhbit gives us many more years of enjoyment from their display. Other unique quilts in our collections include, a Sunbonnet Sue dated 1900, and several crazy quilts, with dated campaign ribbons from D. R. Anthony Jr.'s Congressional 1902 campaign. One crazy quilt has a souvenir campaign ribbon from President McKinley's visit to Leavenworth in the late 1800's.

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On Tuesday, May 13,1997 Herb Mayfield, historical society board member, Sally (board member) & John Hatcher, Evelyn Lange-Volunteer, and Robert Holt, Museum Administrator went,to Kansas City, to hear a presentation on Historical Preservation, given by Mr. Richard Moe, President of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, from Washington, DC. After the talk, a fund-raising reception was held at the Nall-Patterson Home in Shawmee, which raised funds for the Kansas Preservaton Alliance, Inc., and their participation in the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Statewide Initiative program. The Kansas Preservation Alliance, is a private, not-for-profit corporation organized to further the work of historic preservation throughout Kansas through communication, education and advocacy. Our Leavenworth Contingency networked with other preservation minded people, and shared our concern for the demolition by neglect of the historical buildings at the Dwight Eisenhower Veterans Administration Medical Center. (Old Soldiers Home, or Wadsworth) The 1997 Preservation Watch List, developed by the Kansas Preservation Alliance includes Fort Leavenworth and the Veterans Administration Medical Center as historical sites which are in need of more attention and better planning for their preservation.

Herb Mayfield was asked to be the local county coordinator for the Kansas Preservation Alliance. He will be responsible to share information with interested parties about preservation, and to help communicate the importance of historic preservation. He will also be responsible to share with state officials good news, and bad news about the effects of preservation here in Leavenworth County.

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A beautiful color lithographed C. W. Parker Advertising poster was printed around the turn of the century and used to promote the sale and use of the Parker Carousels manufactured here in Leavenworth.

A few years ago while visiting a New England Antique Flea Market, a Leavenworth resident discovered an original poster among a dealer's Circus memorabilia. The resident immediately purchased the poster and has been privately enjoying it ever since.

Now, in support of The First City Museum's effort to bring a 1913 Parker Carousel back to Leavenworth, the resident has reproduced the original poster and is offering it for sale to the entire Leavenworth Community.

For each poster sold, a portion of the monies earned will be donated to the First City Museum for the purpose of providing funds for the restoration and maintenance of the 1913 C. W. Parker Carousel being restored by the group.

The poster is absolutely beautiful and would be a welcome addition to any home. The price of each poster is $20. This low price will allow everyone to own this wonderful piece of Leavenworth's past.

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Gold was discovered on Cherry Creek in 1858 by the William Green Russell party from Georgia. When the news of their discovery reached Leavenworth and other eastern cities, the old Indian trail along the Smoky Hill River became an emigrant "highway" for gold seekers. Many outfitted in Missouri River towns like Atchison and Leavenworth. Then they headed west on the Smoky Hill Trail to western Kansas Territory (now Colorado). Emigrants followed the established military and territorial roads to Fort Riley and Junction City where they continued their journey west by following the Smoky Hill River to its source in present-day southeast Colorado. Near the area of Limon, the trail divided into three separate branches-the North, Middle (Starvation Trail), and the South Smoky Hill Trail. They were all aiming for Denver, a small city which had been established at the confluence of Cherry Creek and the South Platte River, a trip of about 600 miles from Leavenworth.

The North Smoky Hill Trail continued on a northwesterly course from Limon. Near Bennett, the trail turned almost directly west to Denver. The earliest and shortest of the three branches, the Middle Smoky Hill Trail, was called the Starvation Trail because so many died for lack of water and food.

David A. Butterfield was a man of vision who recognized the Smoky Hill Trail's potential as a route for freighters and stages, a direct route which would be so much faster from Leavenworth to Denver than cutoffs from either the Platte River Road to the north or the Santa Fe Trail along the Arkansas. Butterfield studied the survey maps of the Smoky Hill Road and decided that much of the same route could be used for his line, but his road had to be shorter, safer, and faster than the earlier Smoky Hill Road. He decided that he could use the North Smoky and the South Smoky routes for his fledgling enterprise, but he recognized the hazards of the Middle Smoky and decided that he would not use it. After further study and secure financing, he founded the Butterfield Overland Despatch (B.O.D.) which he operated during 1865-1866. After that, the company changed hands twice before the iron horse put the stage lines out of business in 1870. It was an end of an era.

A movement for the last three years has been trying to designate the Smoky Hill Trail-Butterfield Overland Despatch as a National Historic Trail. The purpose of this project is to recognize the Smoky Hill Trail as being among the great trails in the westward expansion of the United States and to recognize the significant part the Butterfield Overland Despatch played in the westward expansion by its use of much of the Smoky Hill Trail route. The Leavenworth County Historical Society recently wrote letters to our two State Senators, requesting that they consider supporting this designation.

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The National Simulation Center at Fort Leavenworth has donated two computers to the Leavenworth County Historical Society. One is a 286PC, with monitor, and Laser Printer, with Word Perfect and Lotus software. We will network this computer with our other systems (donated by Reed Davis), and will be able to have multiple users in our office in the near future. Fort Leavenworth has also given us a Notebook Computer, which we can transport around, so that data entry can be made throughout the Museum or off-site. We are very fortunate to have the support of Dr. Robert LaRocque, Director of the National Simulation Center at Fort Leavenworth.

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This spring several new titles have been added to our gift-shop inventory. They include, Looking Back in Postcards, They Came This Way, and Hundred Year Hurrah, all by Mr. John H. Johnston, III. These hardbound local history books are wonderful gift ideas for that Leavenworth person who enjoys local history. These books are on consignment, and the Historical Society receives a percentage of the sale. Please stop by the Museum, and pick up yours today.

Another new title is, Unblazed Trail which is an account of a trip to the Klondike Gold Regions, Alaska, from the diary of a Leavenworth boy. This account is from the manuscript collections of the Museum, and is a true story, as we have documented the story through local newspaper accounts. This book, with over 119 pages is available for $20, of which the museum receives a large percentage. Other items of interest for researchers are death indexes for 1927-1930, early birth records, original Leavenworth Town Lot sales, and an index of the First and Seventh Kansas Volunteer Infantry and Cavalry.

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The students of Sandi Ackerman, who attend East Middle School, have been researching and putting together a "Lewis & Clark Coloring Book", entitled, Jefferson's Dream-The Lewis & Clark Expedition. With this project they learned about Lewis and Clark, the Louisiana Purchase, and the opening of the western part of America. The students also learned about the dangers of the trip, the hunger, and disappointment and the dedication to an idea. The exploring of the western part of America was important because of commerce, natural resources, and national security to America in 1804. The feeling of adventure affected the students and kept them going on their part of the book. The students received the national 1996 YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc.

The Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum has a supply of these unique coloring books available in our gift-shop for $10 each. The museum will receive $2 for each one sold. Please come and support these middle school students by purchasing a Lewis and Clark Color Book. They would make wonderful gift ideas for young people, or a wonderful addition to anyone's library.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society was founded in 1954, as a project of the local Kiwanis Club. We would like to share with our members information about other local historical organizations in the county. In our next newsletter, we will feature the Richard Allen Cultural Center, the Tonganoxie Community Historical Society, and the Sisters of Charity Heritage Room.

The Fort Leavenworth Historical Society... began in the 1950s, which makes it one of the oldest existing private organizations on the post. Membership is open to anyone living in the area (or anywhere, actually) who is interested in supporting an organization dedicated to the promilgation of the history of the historic fort.

The current membership includes active duty and retired military personnel, Department of the Army civilians, and civilians from the local area. Interested persons can join at any time at the society's gift shop in the fort's Frontier Army Museum. The shop is open daily from 10:00 to 4:00, Sunday from 12:00 to 4:00. Dues have not been raised since the society was founded; they are $3 per year for a family membership. A tangible benefit of membership is that members get a discount on regular purchases and larger ones on books.

The society also sponsors monthly programs during the CGSC school year. Members get advance flyers telling about these programs, which are free and open to the public. They are held in Bell Hall at the Fort, usually from 7:00-8:00 PM. Society tour guides also take interested newcomers on a two hour bus tour of the fort and city each fall. Any questions about membership can be addressed to the gift shop, at 651-7440.

The Lansing Historical Society, organized in 1989, is dedicated to the collection and preservation of the memorabilia and memories that depict early life in Lansing, Kansas. It is the goal of the Lansing Historical Society to stimulate interest in the history of Lansing and Delaware Township, and to foster awareness of local achievement.

In order that the artifacts that represent the history of the Lansing community, to include the State Prison, may be suitably housed and displayed, the Santa Fe Railroad depot built in 1887 is being restored for use as a museum. This elegant old wooden building, in original green and red paint, is located on Kansas Avenue near the State Prison. For information about the depot or the Historical Society, call 913-727-3731. The Lansing Society is happy to include anyone interested on our newsletter mailing list.

First City Museum (Leavenworth Historical Museum Association) has purchased a 1913 C. W. Parker Carousel. Come and see the carousel June 13, 1997, 5-9 P.M. and June 14, 1997, 10-5 PM. Horses, rabbits, eagles and art work from the 1913 Carousel will be displayed at the Riverfront Community Center in Leavenworth, Kansas. Get your picture taken on a carousel horse or rabbit! Try a chance on a quilt, wall hanging and a carved miniature Parker carousel horse. Reproductions of an authentic Parker poster will also be for sale. Watch a wood carver work on a large Parker-style horse. Listen to old favorite songs played on a band organ and enjoy refreshments and entertainment. Projects in progress: Steam Engine & Train, acquire the Fred Harvey House for special exhibits. Volunteers and donations are needed for the June event and restoration. Memberships are $100 Charter, $50 Business or Friend, $20 Family, $15 Individual, and $10 Seniors. Name and adopt-a-horse for $2,500. Red and yellow bricks with your name or business printed on it are $50 each. First City Museum-working to make history fun!

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This spring, we lost several of our volunteers. Eleanor Harper, Mary Hazels, Thompson Biggar, and Herman A. Ochs, have all passed away this spring. They all gave the museum thousands of hours of volunteer work and support. Staff, board members, and fellow volunteers will miss them and their smiling faces dearly. Please keep these volunteers and their families in your thoughts and prayers.

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The Annual Ice Cream Social and Antique Car Rally, has been set for Sunday, September 7, 1997 at the Leavenworth County Museum 1128 Fifth Avenue, from 1-4 P.M. Come join the fun of an old fashioned summer Ice Cream Social, with special musical entertainment, museum tours, homemade ice cream and cake, as well as our unique Teddy Bear Parade. Tickets will be available after August 1, 1996 at the Museum for $4 for Adults and $2 for children. Please remember that the Annual Ice Cream Social is our main summer fund raiser for the museum and its many programs. It has become a tradition at the museum to wrap up the summer season with this annual event. Remember to reserve Sunday, September 7, 1997 on your calendar for the Ice Cream Social and Antique Car Rally.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society has received the following memorials since the last edition of the Historical Society Gazette. All memorials are deposited into the Memorial Fund. Anyone is welcome to send memorials to the Historical Society. These funds help cover the costs of the Historic Plaque Program and provide support in the preservation of artifacts.

Donor In Memory Of
Sue Rush Raymond Mitchum
Arthur & Judith McClure Frank L. McClure
Mary E. Hunt Elizabeth Frank
Country Cupboard (Merle & George Estabrook) Mr & Mrs Arthur Meisner
Caroline A. Ewert Charles Ackenhausen
Robert A. Holt Thompson Biggar, Mary Hazels, Eleanor Harper, & Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Wanda Holder Eleanor Harper
Agnes Kramer Thompson Biggar
M/M Michael Patterson (Rose Memorial) COL Pedro Guevara (Chile)
Mr. Jerry Collins Robert N. Holt
William & Elizabeth Dysinger Buck Aldrich & Herman A. Ochs,Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. William Allen, Sr. Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
John & Annie Johnston Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Rodney A. Rivard, DDS Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
John & Rosemary Sachse Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Sommerville Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Rosemary Ingram, Mark K. Taylor, Peggy Hansen, KDOT Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Helen R. Fryer Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Clyde Graeber Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Nita Mundy Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Ted L. Sexton Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Alyne M. Schanze Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Paul Becker Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Agnes Brady Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Kathy Fox & family Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Gene W. Murray Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M R.E. Swan Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Edward Wettig Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Ross Markle Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Kevin A. Hart Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Marguerite Strange Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Harry & Jerri Mohan Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Mark Armstrong Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Maurice Kern, Jr. Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Jerry Runyan Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Neil Young Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
M/M Charles Turner Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Exchange National Bank & Trust (Atchison) Herman A. Ochs, Jr.

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Robert A. Holt, Museum Administrator
* Grey Ink, Designer
John H. Johnston III, Volunteer Editor
The Historical Society Gazette is published quarterly for members of the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum
Send comments/suggestions to:
[email protected]