Historical Society Gazette

Volume 7, Issue 1
Spring 1998

Annual Dinner & Meeting
New Gift Shop & Office
Sod & Stubble by John Ise, a Book Review by Sally Hatcher
Herb Market 98
Carrie Hall Quilt Project
Grants Request-Update
Orphan Trains in Kansas
Update on Everhard Photo Collection
Membership Drive 1998
Local Family History Available
Kansas Archeology Week
Future Events
Lighting in the Victorian Home

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The 44th Annual Dinner and Meeting for the Leavenworth County Historical Society has been scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 1998. Social hour will be at 6:30 PM with dinner at 7:00 PM, and the society business meeting at 7:45 PM. At 8:00 PM the program will begin.

This year's annual meeting and dinner will be held at the Leavenworth Country Club on Eisenhower Road, Lansing. The program has been secured, and we are pleased to announce that Max and Donna Daniels from Illinois, will portray President and Mrs. Lincoln for this special event.

In 1997 when the Daniels were here, we had a wonderful time, and learned quite a bit about Lincoln and his life. We are really looking forward to this year's program and annual meeting. We will also be awarding the annual volunteer awards, as well as electing a new slate of officers.

This year's menu includes a buffet of both beef and chicken, and will only cost $15 per person. Please note that this event requires reservations, by the 16th of March. Please send your RSVP and money to the society office, 1128 Fifth Avenue, Leavenworth, Kansas 66048. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the museum at (913) 682-7759.

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On February 5, 1998 the Leavenworth/Lansing Chamber of Commerce helped our board of directors cut the ribbon for our new gift shop and office. Due to a wonderful year of visitation, and a surplus in our budget, the board implemented a long-time desire to up-date the society office. We placed in storage the General Store Display, and renovated the 1930's Garage area of the Carroll Mansion. This area became the new society office. We have more room for special projects, better lighting, and in the process found that the old office would make a great new gift shop.

Board members Sally Hatcher and Sue Gervasini volunteered to be committee heads for the new gift shop. They have selected history books to be the new focus for the gift shop, and have selected several unique and interesting titles. In the first two weeks of February, the gift shop has been a great success, with an increase in sales from the same time last year.

We are still stocking favorite items like the museum mug, post cards, and t-shirts. We also have the 1876 Leavenworth City Map, and the Pre-1900 Historical County Map still available. Victorian cards, stationery, and stickers are also in stock in the new gift shop area. We also have secured some prints with historic and Leavenworth themes.

During this years Holiday Homes Tour, we offered Old World Christmas holiday glass ornaments. We have a few left in our new gift shop. If you are interested in these pieces, at last year's prices, please stop by. They were very popular, and we don't have any plans to order any more of these designs. We have ordered some new designs, like Dorothy's Red Shoes, and Kansas Corn. Please stop by the new gift shop for the unique gift for that special someone.

The board has implemented the policy of charging sales tax on all sales. Before we were absorbing that cost, but with the recent increase in sales taxes, we were starting to lose money. Remember however, that as a member of the Leavenworth County Historical Society you will receive a 10% discount on all purchases over $ 1.

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Sod and Stubble by John Ise. A Book Review, by Sally Hatcher

Anyone who has ever lived in north central Kansas in the vicinity of Phillipsburg, Smith Center, or Concordia and south toward 1-70 will especially enjoy Sod and Stubble. It is the story typical of many pioneers in the post Civil War decades who managed to settle that area in spite of many hardships.

The story begins with the marriage of Ise's parents, Henry Eisenmanger and Rosena Haag, at Holton, Kansas, NW of Atchison. Their wedding trip to Henry's claim near Cawker City was made in a horse-drawn wagon.

Although the author gives people different names, it is an accurate history of his family's many hardships. The book closes with the auctioning in 1909 of all the farm equipment and animals, and Rosa leaving the farm about 10 years after Henry's death.

In 1936, when John Ise was trying to get his book published, he was told it was too long. He left out what are now chapters 1, 2, 7, and 11. These missing chapters were discovered a few years ago in the KU archives and are included in the current edition. Also now included is more information about the Haag and Eisenmanger families, and John Ise and his siblings. This, and the author's chapter by chapter notes, give even more depth and authenticity to Sod and Stubble.

John Ise died in Lawrence in 1969 at the age of 84. Anyone who attended KU in the forties and fifties will remember John Ise as a professor of economics. This wonderful book is available for $12.95 from our new gift shop.

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With the daylight hours getting progressively longer and the seed catalogs arriving in increasing numbers, the urge to once again get out in the garden will soon be here. To help you get an early start, Herb Market 98, will be held at the Leavenworth County Museum on Saturday, May 2, 1998 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 NOON. As in the past, the Herb Market will be held in the south gardens of the museum at 1128 Fifth Avenue.

Each year the attendance has increased, as well as the number of plants sold. To meet this demand the number of varieties and the quantities of plants have been increased. Whether you are an old pro at herb gardening or a novice, we will be able to meet your needs. For the novice who doesn't know basil from thyme, annuals from perennials, or culinary from medicinal, don't worry. There will be knowledgeable volunteers present to answer your questions and help with your selections. For the herb pro, we promise a wide selection of strong and healthy plants. Both the novice and the pro can be sure that the price will be right.

Not to be forgotten are the fanciers of scented geraniums who will find a wide selection, as well as several varieties of herb tomatoes, and everlasting plants for drying. This year, whether browsing or shopping, be sure to pick up a book or two from our new gift shop. We have stocked a wide selection of titles which can add to your home library or garden shelf.

To beautify your garden, you will find a wide selection of terra cotta identification markers, including the ever popular one marked "Weeds". We have some wonderful Herb Market T-Shirts, and Tea-Towels available in the gift-shop as well.

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CARRIE HALL QUILT PROJECT - Quilt Has Strong Leavenworth Ties

Many thanks to the Sewing on the Line Quilting Guild. They will piece and quilt another quilt this summer here at the museum so our many visitors can view a typical Kansas craft - Quilting. Once it is complete, we will use it as a fund-raising project for the Everhard Photo Collection. Last year, the members of the quilting guild donated over 200 hours of work, and the event raised over $1200.

This year the guild has selected the Leavenworth Nine-Patch as the design for their museum project. The nine-patch is one of the simplest forms of patch-work quilting, and was often used for the child's first lesson in quilting, according to Carrie Hall's book, Romance of the Patchwork Quilt, currently available in our gift shop.

The Leavenworth Nine-Patch was featured in Hall's book, and was designed by Carrie Hall as a memorial to her adopted home town, Leavenworth. Please watch the Leavenworth Times, and your mail for more information on this special exhibit and fund- raising project.

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At the February Board of Directors meeting, the architectural firm of Pettijohn*Kinney made a presentation about the contractors who submitted bids for the work to be done on the Museum porches and soffits. After some more investigation, we should be able to award the contract by the first of March.

Construction should start by the first of April. The State of Kansas Historical Preservation Department will review the bid presentation. We are proceeding with this project at a cautious speed. With over $90,000 invested in this project, we would hate to make a mistake.

This $90,000+ project is being funded by the Kansas State Historical Societies Heritage Trust Fund Grant Program and the City of Leavenworth's Community Development Block Grant Program. We are in need of some matching funds for this program. If our members would like to donate a few dollars to support this project, please call the museum at (913) 682-7759. The board of directors would like to thank the William Bishop Family for their generous donation recently. The Bishop Family are descendants of the Carroll Family who owned the Museum mansion for over 70 years.

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The "orphan trains" brought poor children from the eastern cities to rural Kansas from 1867 until the 1920's. Some were placed with loving families but many were little more than unpaid servants. Firsthand accounts of orphan train riders challenge our picture of childhood in the "good old days."

Marilyn J. Holt, will be our presenter. She earned her M.A. in history from Sangamon State University, in Springfield, Illinois. Her research interests and publications center on child, teenager, and women's experiences in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Presently, Ms. Holt works as an historical and editorial consultant and as an adjunct instructor in the History Department at the University of Kansas. She served as the director of publications at the Kansas State Historical Society from 1986 to 1990. Ms. Holt has been a member of the Kansas Humanities Council speakers bureau since 1993.

This spring's Lunch and Learn has been scheduled for Friday, May 22, 1998 at 1:00 PM at the Leavenworth County Museum, 1128 Fifth Avenue. A lunch will be served at 12:00 noon. Reservations are required and cost only $7 each. The deadline for reservations for this special presentation is May 15.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society has signed the contract to purchase the Everhard Collection. Board members Dennis Seeler, Wes Ludwig, and Museum Administrator Robert Holt will travel to California on March 4th, to pack and drive back the entire photo collection. The society wasn't able to find a transportation company to bring back the collection for a price which the museum could afford. The rental of a U-Haul Truck, and the cost of airline tickets to California are still less expensive than hiring a moving company.

Many thanks to society members who have made financial donations recently. They include: Bobby & Carole Lawrence, Mary Ellen Hunt, Eileen J. Welch, Norm & Joyce Arnold, Wayne & Barbara Wolf, Sanford & Alice Bushman, Homer D. Cory, Jr., Eugene Wentworth, Sr., Mrs. Sam Bloom, and Davis T. Moulden.

Currently the Everhard Photo fund has more than $8,000 invested. We will need an additional $2,000 to $3,000 to fully cover the costs of the collection, transportation, and the purchase of a frost-free freezer to keep the nitrate negatives. Your extra donation is welcome and encouraged. You are welcome to send your donation in the form of a memorial.

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MEMBERSHIP DRIVE - 1998 Gifts that Work for You.

January 1, 1998 marked the beginning of our new membership year. Please help your society by sending in your membership investment today. This will save money by reducing the number of mailings and reminders. Single Memberships are $10; Family $20, Contributor $35; Patron $50; Corporate $100. Life Membership is a one time gift of $ 1,000.

The Leavenworth County Historical Society welcomes and appreciates all gifts. Cash is the most popular type of gift because it is simple to give, immediately effective, and easily earmarked for the current needs of the museum. If you itemize your deductions, you can deduct cash gifts up to 50% of your adjusted gross income. Please consider a Life Membership, which is a one-time gift of $1,000. Gifts of memorials are also welcome at this time of the year. Through a memorial/honor gift you can make a special tribute or gift to a loved one while also making a charitable gift to the Historical Society. All of the same tax advantages apply.

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Mrs. Ann Bromell Sachse has recently completed her family history in book form. She has several copies available, and would be happy to share it with our members. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please forward $15, plus $3 shipping to Ms. Anne Bromell Sachse, 33551 207th Street, Easton, Kansas 66020. She reports that it has quite a bit of information about early Leavenworth and Easton. The title of the book is "A Richstatter-Mock Family History and Genealogy". It contains 220 pages, as well as information on the Meinhardts, and many other family surnames of early Leavenworth.

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Kansas Archeology Week has been scheduled for April 5-11, 1998. This special designation will help focus attention on our rich cultural heritage, highlighting our state's nonrenewable resources and offering information about past peoples. This year's poster, "A Stitch in Time," honors native Plains women's skill and artistry in leather work. Shoemaking and other leather-working traditions stretch far back into early times, representing an unbroken connection among generations of Plains women.

Learning about the past requires the same kind of attention to process and detail, one step at a time. Following the trails of past peoples, archeologists show us the imprint humans have made upon the land. During this year's Archeology Week, visit the Leavenworth County Museum, and see how our own history can have wonderful insights in today's current events. The Leavenworth County Museum is open every day from 1:00 to 4:30. Starting in May we will be open from 10:30 to 4:30 Monday through Saturday, and 1:00 to 4:30 on Sunday.

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Dedication of the museum's educational herb garden, dedication of the Saint Mary College historical plaque, the unveiling of the new portable display booth, the extensive renovation of the porches and soffits on the Carroll Mansion, and the Spring Lunch and Learn are all being planned for the near future. The Leavenworth County Historical Society has been an active part of the Leavenworth County Community for more than 40 years, and at the rate we are growing, we will surely be here for many, many more.

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Introduced in 1879 with the successful invention of an incandescent light bulb, electric power was made available to many communities during the 1880's with the construction of power plants. By 1890, most major lamp companies were producing lamps and fixtures designed for electricity in addition to fixtures for gas and kerosene.

Many people were hesitant to commit themselves totally to electric power and so fixtures were made which were fitted for use with both gas and electricity. While gas flames burned upwards, light bulbs faced down. Light facing in two directions, both up and down, gave fixtures a unique quality. They have direct light facing downward and indirect light which bounces off the ceiling. These types of fixtures were made for only a limited time period, approximately between 1890 and 1910, which makes them desirable and valuable, with values ranging from $300 for the small hall fixtures to $1,100 for the larger parlor fixtures.

In 1897, a device was patented to ignite and maintain a gas flame facing downwards which opened the market for inverted gas fixtures. Prior to 1897, only electric fixtures could have light facing downwards. Several other improvements in gas burners stimulated the marketability of the continued use of gas as a viable energy source of lighting and it competed successfully with electricity until the 1920's.

Electricity won out ultimately over gas because of all the other inventions - toasters, irons, Dictaphones, gramophones, and radios - all of which used electricity to operate, rather than because of the superiority of electric fixtures.

Have you seen the wonderful light fixtures at the museum lately? We have a wonderful selection of both gas and electric fixtures. If you are interested in obtaining more information about lighting and light fixtures, stop by the museum. We have a wonderful slide presentation which gives a good history and explanation about Victorian Lighting Practices.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society has received the following memorials siqce the last edition of the Historical Society Gazette. All memorials are deposited into the Memorial Fund. Anyone is welcome to send memorials to the Historical Society. These funds help cover the costs of the Historic Plaque Program, and provide support in the preservation of artifacts.

Donor In Memory of
Dr & Mrs W.R. Allen Sr. Michael Satriano
Dr & Mrs W.R. Allen Sr. Thompson Biggar
COL(R) & Mrs W. Dysinger Sidney Jones
Paul & Betty Strand Elmer Roach
Joy Kozak Sidney Jones
COL(R) & Mrs James Beil Sidney Jones
Agnes Kramer Leo A. Bodde
J.H III & Annie Johnston Leo A. Bodde
Davis T. Moulden Mayor James C. & Louise Davis & Clarence E. "Pete" & Margaret Davis Moulden
Robert A. Holt Edward Searles III
Mrs. Sam Bloom Bernice L.Hand
Robert A. Holt Elmer Roach
Elizabeth Dysinger Leo A. Bodde
Vada Johnson Leo A. Bodde
Robert A. Holt Leo A. Bodde

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Robert A. Holt, Museum Administrator
* Grey Ink, Designer
John H. Johnston III, Volunteer Editor
The Historical Society Gazette is published quarterly for members of the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum
Send comments/suggestions to:

[email protected]