Historical Society Gazette

Volume 7, Issue 4
Fall 1998


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Robert Holt's Farewell

July 27th friends and family took the opportunity to say good-bye to Robert. The farewell dinner was held at the Riverfront Community Center in the Men's Waiting Room with about 100 people in attendance. Every one brought a covered dish, and the meat was catered by Ridge Runners. Everything was delicious. Many people spoke about past experiences with Robert. Christine Bauer composed and read a poem about how she enjoyed working with Robert. Wes Ludwig shared with the crowed how Robert was worried about mud slides the whole time they were in California and presented Robert with a bottle of Mud Slide, the drink mix. The evening ended with a presentation to Robert from the Historical Society for his ten years of service. A tree will be planted on the museum's grounds honoring him.

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On July 1st. the Victorian Herb Garden and Cutting Garden were dedicated as a master garden project. Marianna Spain spoke about the garden to the 35 people who attended the dedication. Throughout the Spring and Summer our visitors have enjoyed these gardens. Christine and I noticed, through our office window, many visitors would complete the visit to the house with a stop at the garden. Thanks to all the Master Gardeners who take care of these gardens.

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All gift shop items (except Old World ornaments and stained glass) are on sale an extra 10% off, that is 20% for members. The sale will run until Dec 24.

The gift shop features a selection of books on history and gardening, prints of historical buildings in Leavenworth, handmade twig planters and historic maps of Leavenworth.

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The Museum is preparing for the Holidays

It is never too soon to be planning for the Holidays. The museum has a very active holiday calender. It all begins with the Holiday Decorating Party on Nov. 15 from noon to who knows when. Those members with a flare for decorating are encouraged to come and help. The Children's Holiday Party is Nov. 27th. The children of the community are welcome to help the museum decorate for the children's tree. Dec 4 is the date set for the annual Wassail Party. From 6:30-8:30pm the house will be filled with good food, friends and of course wassail (yes I know it is red). The grand finale to these events is the Candlelight Homes Tour ,Dec. 13, sponsored by the Vintage Homes Society. For the past few years this has been a great fundraiser. The success is much to the credit of those VHS members who graciously open their homes. THANKS.

After all this activity the museum will be closed from Dec. 24th to Jan. 4th and the staff will be out of the office. The museum will be closed the entire month of January but the staff will be back in the office on Jan. 4. We hope you all will share some time with us this Holiday Season.

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Autumn Events

The museum has two fall activities planed in October: A Day Trip to the Flint Hills on Oct. 9 and the Autumn Lunch and Learn on Oct. 16.

The trip to the Flint Hills will feature a tour of the Kaw Indian Mission, and lunch at the Hays House, in Council Grove. A tour of our new National Preserve, Tallgrass Prairie and a Prairie Bus Ride. The cost of this trip is $40.00 for members and $45.00 for non members.

Our Autumn Lunch and Learn features Don Coldsmith, author of the weekly newspaper column "Horsin' Around" and is best known for his "Spanish Bit Saga". He will be speaking on Kansas's pivotal role in the Civil War. Lunch is $6.50 for members and $7.50 for non members. The lecture is free to members.

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From the Archives

This is a section of the reminiscences of Mrs. G. W. Paddock, written in 1901 as she reflects on her experiences in Kansas during the late 1850s through the Civil War. This section address the time they spent in Leavenworth during the Civil War.

Mrs. Paddock's husband, Rev. George W. Paddock, was a Methodist minister and in 1863 became the President of Baker University. The diary of Rev. Paddock does not mention this time, in the early spring of 1861.

The Leavenworth County Historical Society received the copies of this diary and reminiscences from the Kansas State Historical Society. (wording and spelling is exactly as it appears in reminiscences)

"We had some spiritual prosperity in Wyandott. some conversions a little improvement in church property. The second year Mr. Paddock served the Delawares some of the time had a campmeeting on the ground From Wyandott we were sent to Leavenworth City. The indian names would seem odd to you. For instance Border ruffians. Splitleg, Between the Legs, Lump on the Head, usually called border ruffians. Lumpy-- border ruffians Johnycake Mudwater. White Crow his father was stolen when he was two years old. Hwe cried so long for his mother that he became hoarse his voice sounding like a young crow hence his name (when Wyandott we helped a Border ruffians. Fisher on the Quindaro charge had quite a good work souls coverted. Church quicken We had considerable prosperity on the Leavenworth charge. A brick church had been built the basement was finished where worship was held. Mr. P. raised the money for and finished the audience room.

The spring we went to Leavenworth the 'Civil War' broke out. The government teams with their fine large mules (not much like the Mission(?) Mules) were much of the time rumbling by near us carrying supplies from Ft. Leavenworth to the army. Never shall I forget their heavy solemn tread. Dr. Sheldon my Brother was a surgen in the army and died and died form over work and exposure at Ft. Scott Kansas of Typhoid Pneumonia At Leavenworth our daughter Imogene was born the next summer when she was 8 months old our Leonora was taken with malignant scarlet fever and after ten days of great suffering she was taken to a brighter clime. She was between seven & eight years old. she wished to live to play with her little sister but finally told me she was going where Jesus was. She now lies on the banks of the Missouri."

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Thank You

We would like to say "special thanks" to the Herb Market committee that sponsored the Victorian Repast dinner. Words cannot express the wonderful dinner and evening provided to us and our friends. These gals are not only "Master Gardeners", they are "Master Chefs" as well. Don't forget to buy your chances on this dinner next year- you may also be a lucky diner--Mike and Mary Stephenson

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Living Museum

The Victorian era is back in Leavenworth. Every Wednesday staring on October 7 through April 7 the Victorian Carroll Museum will perform the Living Museum presentation for area Fourth Graders. Our wonderful volunteers will be teaching children what family life was like when preparing for a wedding a hundred years ago. There is much talk about who will play the bride, Christine has an idea it should be the boss. The boss does not know about that. If anyone has an idea about who would make a great bride, let us know. Here's hoping it will be a great season, and wish all good luck in their roles.

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Special Thanks to Hallmark

A Special THANKS to Hallmark for the gift of $10,000. This money will be used to purchase a much needed heating/cooling unit for office and supplies for the Everhard Photo Collection and a computer. The gift is greatly needed and appreciated.

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Our Booth at Riverfest (Sept. 12-13) featured a sampling of baby pictures from the Everhard Collection. Although the weather was less than pleasant, the booth had several visitors, who asked questions and gained information about the society.

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There is a preservation group forming. Their first meeting was on Sept.22. They will be meeting again on Oct. 19 for more information call 682-7759.

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Troubles to Burn

Before we cum to Kansas
We wuz poor as poor could be,
We never tasted turkey,
Never had no Christmas tree,
Poor ma and pa seemed always sad
An talked in mournful tone,
'Bout mortgages an' all such things
An' int'rest on the loans.
It seemed like all we heered them days,
Wuz "mortgage, int'rest, loans",
An' money wuz the cause of all
Them tears an' sighs an' groans.
Thet's before we cum to Kansas.

An' now we've got a bank account,
We're surely worth a pile,
We've got a fine brick mansion
An' put on lots of style.
Our troubles all have fled
An' thet we feel contented now,
An' never toss in bed,
But truth is all we hear right now,
Is "mortgage, int'rest, loans",
An' cause dad can't get six per cent,
There's sighs an' tears an' groans.
Thet's sence we cum to Kansas.

December 13, 1900, Western Life

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Memorials Received

Donor In Memory of
Caroline Moore David Hazels (Rose)
Caroline Moore John M. Moore (Rose)
Frank Carroll Carole Carroll (Rose)
Wanda Holder John A. Gwinn (Rose)
Ken & Jerry Jones Erma Nahrendorff (Rose)
Marti Crow Col. E.E. Burnett
W.L. & Leone Jones Berthe Dawson
Terry & Joanne Norman Mabel Bond
Brenda Hamby Leo Bodde
Brenda Hamby Buck Aldrich
Brenda Hamby Sara Davis
Brenda Hamby Barbara Cummins
Robert Holt Lester Nielson

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The Leavenworth County Historical Societyw would like to thank:

Donor For
LTC(R) & Mrs Robert C. Riese Garden Fund
Hallmark Cards, Inc. Everhard collection and heating/cooling unit in new office
Debra Graden Software for collection

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Victoria Erbe, Museum Administrator
* Grey Ink, Designer
John H. Johnston III, Volunteer Editor
The Historical Society Gazette is published quarterly for members of the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum
Send comments/suggestions to:

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