Historical Society Gazette

Volume 6 , Issue 3
FALL 1997

Ice Cream Social
Work Day - Saturday, Sept. 6
Stained Glass Window Tour
1876 Levenworth City Map
Carrie Hall Quilt Project is Huge Success
1997 Fall Lunch & Learn
November is Fred Harvey Month
Another Harvey Event
1997 Master Gardeners Plant Herb Garden At Museum
Hallmark Corporation - Supports Our Efforts
Grant Request - Update
Everhard Photo Collection - Update
Society Member Request
Thanks For Special Donation
C.W. Parker Poster Still Available In Gift Shop
Smoky Hill Trail and The Butterfield Overland Dispatch
Historical Society Not Alone
Volunteers Needed
Mum Fest - LCHS To Provide Refreshments
Information For Our Members
Lupus, Missouri Challenge
Area Corporations Match Donations
Klondike Gold Rush Centennial Celebration
Open House - October 5,1997
News From The Administrator

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The Annual Ice Cream Social and Antique Car Rally is been scheduled for Sunday, September 7, 1997 from 1:00P.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Victorian Carroll Mansion, 1128 Fifth Avenue, Leavenworth, Kansas.

This year's special entertainment is the Leavenworth Community Band. This group, which is made up of more than 40 local musicians and plays a variety of musical styles. Directed by John Lefler, band director for Leavenworth High School the Leavenworth Community Band has been active for more than 15 years. It is sponsored by the City Parks and Recreation Department, with supplies and support from the local school districts and The Toon Shop.

Tickets are currently available here at the museum. They are S4 for adults and $2 for children. The ticket includes a museum tour, viewing of antique cars from the Henry Leavenworth Antique Car Club, Teddy Bear Parade, homemade ice cream and cake.

Also, special this year are old-fashioned yard games. Come try your luck at horseshoe, battledore, shuttlecock, and even ring taw. Plan to attend this old-fashioned Indian summer get-together, and support your historical society.

Tickets, printed courtesy of Davis Funeral Chapel are available at the Museum The proceeds from this event will support the Historical Society in our efforts to acquire the Everhard Photo Collection. Call 913-682-7759 to reserve your tickets today. Our Board of Directors is currently calling members for donations of cakes and workers. We always have a great time while raising dollars for the many programs of the Society.

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Help Clean up the Museum Yard for the Ice Cream Social.

The Board of Directors has scheduled a workday at the Museum on Saturday, September 6, 1997 from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon. We will be trimming, sweeping, cleaning the porches, weeding the gardens, and all-round sprucing up the place. We need volunteers with rakes, clippers, and a few hours of time to give to the museum. We want the museum to shine for the hundreds of visitors on Sunday, September 7, 1997, for the Annual Ice Cream Social. Please call 682-7759 if you can help with this project.

Remember many hands make light work.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society in cooperation with the Ward Memorial Building 29 Preservation Committee has organized a Stained Glass Window Tour, scheduled for Saturday, September 27, 1997 from 1O: 00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Tickets will be available after September 1, at $7 each. Several local houses of worship are on the tour, and the Victorian Carroll Mansion, the VA's Building 42, and Saint Mary College Chapel included.

There are 11 sites on the tour, and all have beautiful stained glass windows. Two unique sites on the tour, are Immanuel Chapel at the VA Center, and the First Presbyterian Church. Immanuel Chapel also known as the Believe It or Not Chapel is a local treasure designed by famous architect Louis Curtis. The windows and gargoyles are locally famous features. Recently the chapel has undergone extensive renovation, and has been closed to the public the last year. The First Presbyterian Church has a wonderful collection of Tiffany windows, which are exquisite pieces of art. No one should miss the opportunity to view these treasures.

A Commemorative Stained Glass Sun Catcher has been designed for the tour, and will be available for $25. This work of art is a collector's piece, as only 25 will be made. The proceeds from the tour, and the sale of the sun catcher will help the efforts of the Ward Memorial Preservation Committee save the historical buildings at the Leavenworth Veterans Administration Medical Center. Call 682-7759 for more information, or to reserve your tickets.

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Thanks to LCHS board member Wes Ludwig, the 1876 Leavenworth City Map by Ado Hunnius has been reproduced for sale in our gift-shop. This 18" by 22" map lists more than 60 points of interest in the Leavenworth community. The map is printed on a buff colored paper, and is perfect for framing. The Wes Ludwig family has donated the time and money for printing, and re-framing the original map.

In 1876 the city of Leavenworth extended from the Missouri River west to 20th Street, and south from the Military Reservation to Thornton Street. Some unique features include Sioux Street, Augustus Street, and Railroad Avenue. Cushing Hospital wasn't built yet, and Middle Street, which is the museum's driveway, extended all the way west to West Seventh Street. A lot of sites listed are no longer in existence, for example, the Kansas State Orphan Asylum, Morris School, the Jewish Synagogue, the Gas-Light Company, and the Coal Mine located at the north end of Main Street. Another unique feature is the listing of all the cisterns which were used for fire protection.

Maps are available at $7.50 each. Please come and pick yours up today before we run out.

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If you haven't seen the wonderful Carrie Hall Star Quilt, recently made for the Historical Society by the Sewing on the Line Quilting Guild, you have missed quite a bit. The quilt, which was quilted here at the Museum as a Living Exhibit, is being raffled as a fund raiser for the Everhard Photo Collection. To date more than $1,200 has been raised through the sale of raffle tickets. The drawing will be held on Sunday, October 5, 1997 at the Annual Cultural Mouth Open House. Donations for an opportunity to win the quilt are $1 each or six for $5. Please feel free to mail in your donation, and we will forward your receipt (ticket) by mail.

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"Talking Tombstones: History in the Cemetery" is the topic for this year's Fall Lunch and Learn program scheduled for Friday, October 24th, at the Leavenworth County Museum. Albert N. Hamscher, history professor at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas, will present this interesting commentary showing how the physical design and the evolution of funerary "art" in Kansas cemeteries has reflected our changing views of life and death. Dr. Hamscher will note how stern Puritan tombstones, romantic nineteenth century inscriptions, and today's more secular markers have provided clues that help us "read" historical changes.

This presentation will feature several slides of the more interesting tombstones around Kansas. Plan to attend this special presentation. Lunch will be at noon, and costs $7 for LCHS members, $8 for non-members. The lecture is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. and is free to society members, and only $1 for non-society members. Call (913) 682-7759 by October 18th to RSVP. This program is brought to the Leavenworth area by the Leavenworth County Historical Society and the Kansas Humanities council a non-profit organization which champions the philosophy that learning is a lifelong activity.

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We have designated November 1997 as Fred Harvey Mouth here at the Leavenworth County Historical Society & Museum. We have scheduled a Harvey Theme Day Trip for Tuesday, November 18, 1997.

We will leave the museum grounds at about 10:30 A.M. The tour itinerary includes a stop at Mt. Muncie Cemetery to visit the Harvey Family Plot, a drive-by of the Fred Harvey Home, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and maybe a tour of a home built by Fred Harvey. We will then travel to Kansas City, Missouri and have lunch somewhere on the Country Club Plaza. After lunch, we will visit the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, and view the exhibit titled "The Fred Harvey Company and Southwest Native Art." This professional exhibit stresses the influence of the Fred Harvey Company on Native American art in the Southwest in the first half of the 20th century. The cost of this tour is $35 per member, and $40 for non LCHS members. This price includes lunch, transportation, and admission to the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. If there is time left over, we will visit the Kansas City Miniature Museum on the Campus of UMKC.

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We have secured the recently produced film "Fred Harvey and the American West." We will be showing this film at a special Lunch and Learn program on Thursday, November 13, 1997. Our First Vice President, Marianna Spain, has been researching Fred Harvey the last several months, and will present her recently developed Harvey Talk.

Please watch the paper and your mail for more information on this special event. To reserve your spot on the day trip or our special Harvey Lunch and Learn, please contact the museum at (913) 682-7759.

Currently the Historical Society has invited Mr. J.S. Harvey, great-grandson of Fred Harvey, to visit the Leavenworth area during November.

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Beverly LaRocque and Ginny Johnson, members of the 1997 Leavenworth County Master Gardeners class, have put hundreds of hours of time into the new Demonstration Victorian Herb Garden at the Leavenworth County Museum. We have heard many wonderful comments from visitors noting how beautiful the garden is. We have had a steady supply of flowers for decorations this summer, and are planning to include the garden in our Living Museum Program.

For this project, we are still in need of new and old bricks, and medium sized rocks to be used to outline the new Herb Garden. With a donation from the Leavenworth Knights of Columbus Council #900, we have purchased an old-fashioned sun dial and two benches. Please come to the Ice Cream Social on Sunday, September 7, and see this wonderful addition to the Museum grounds. If any members would like to donate to the Herb Garden Fund, please mail your tax-deductible contribution to LCHS-Herb Garden, 1128 Fifth Avenue, Leavenworth, KS 66048. Recent donations have been received from Mary 0. Stumph, Linda Bailey, Joy Kozak, and the Leavenworth Knights of Columbus Council #900.

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The local contributions committee of Hallmark Corporation recently donated $11,500 to the Leavenworth County Historical Society & Museum. These funds are to help the society in preserving our unique collections. We have purchased and installed a new air-conditioning system for the second story of the Carroll Mansion. We have also used the funds to tint all of the windows in the museum. By tinting the windows we have eliminated the destructive effect of ultraviolet light filtering into the exhibit areas. The UV filters will help cut down on heat that penetrates through the glass panes during the summer months. We have already noticed a drastic improvement in our cooling costs. The funds will also cover the costs of repairing several stained glass windows throughout the museum. We have contracted with Summit Glass of Lee's Summit, Missouri to re-lead and strengthen the supports on the pieces in the gift shop area, library, and front door.

A big thanks to Hallmark; they are truly a local company that supports the Leavenworth area. We will keep them aware of our many projects, and hope that they will continue to support our efforts.

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At the August Board of Directors Meeting, the architectural firm of Pettijohn*Kinney was selected to be our consultants for the extensive porch and soffit repair/renovation project. They will prepare construction documents and design specifications for the entire project. Once the Board reviews these specs, the architects will start the bid process, and help us with selection of a quality contractor. Pettijohn*Kinney will also work with us and the contractor during the construction phase, to ensure that the work and funds are being utilized properly.

This $90,000+ project is being funded by the Kansas State Historical Society's Heritage Trust Fund Grant program and the City of Leavenworth's Community Development Block Grant program. Recent additional donations for this project have been received from, Homer D. Cory, Jr., and Mary 0. Stumph. If our other society members would like to support this project, please consider a financial donation.

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Currently the society is in negotiations with several transportation companies trying to secure the safe return of the Everhard Photo Collection to Leavenworth. By October 20th, the collection should arrive from California.

We are currently securing the needed storage space for this prized collection. As some of the film is nitrate based, we are in need of a medium sized deep freeze for proper storage. Nitrate-based negatives are very unstable, unless they are kept at a very cool temperature. We will store them in a freezer until we can properly process the film into a more stable state of photographic print.

Many thanks to society members who have made financial donations. They include: Mary McGuire Driscoll, Joyce Browder, Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Niemann, Hon. Arthur J. Stanley, Eugene & Clara VanderStaay, Carolyn Lane, Marianna Spain, Mary Frances Krull, Dorothy Voorhees, Jeanette M. Allison, Lois Morris, and Homer D. Cory, Jr.

Currently the Everhard Photo fund has more than $3,000 invested. We will need an additional $5,000 to fully cover the costs of the collection, and transportation. This year's Candlelight Homes Tour proceeds have been earmarked to help cover the costs of this collection. Your extra donation is welcome and encouraged. If you have a used medium sized freezer, which you could donate to the museum, please call our office at (913) 682-7759.

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Mrs. Peggie Hayes Laurens is a member of the Leavenworth County Historical Society. She has many ancestors who lived and worked in early Leavenworth County. She would like to correspond with any of our members who might be researching the following family surnames, with connections to Leavenworth: Patterson, Barthold, Dodds, Hayes, and Parker. If any of our members have information which could help Ms. Laurens in her research, please contact her at 3874 Laurens Lane, Lithonia, GA 30058, Phone (770) 979-3841.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society received a special donation recently from Dr. & Mrs. Robert LaRocque. They donated the funds necessary to participate in this year's PAIR Day at Fort Leavenworth. This gave the museum an opportunity to share our programs with the many newcomers to the Leavenworth area. We shared flyers about our Ice Cream social and solicited volunteers. We received several names, and have already met with a couple of people about helping us with the many projects at the museum. A couple of the names are of people who are quite knowledgeable about history, and museum work. We are looking forward to working with these people on research, and organizing our archives.

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A beautiful color lithographed C.W. Parker Advertising poster was printed around the turn of the century and used to promote the sale and use of the Parker Carousels manufactured in Leavenworth.

In support of The First City Museum's effort to restore a 1913 Parker Carousel for Leavenworth, this color poster is available for purchase. For each poster sold, a portion of the monies earned will be donated to the First City Museum for the purpose of providing funds for the restoration and maintenance of the 1913 C. W. Parker Carousel.

The poster is absolutely beautiful and would be a welcome addition to any home. The price of each poster is $20. This low price will allow everyone to own this wonderful piece of Leavenworth's past. A framed copy of the print is also available for $150.

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Ms. Clarice Crowle, coordinator of the Smoky Hill Trail Program, has sent some petition sheets which she hopes that some of our historical society members and museum visitors will sign. The petition is just to help publicize the Smoky Hill trail and its effort to designate it as a National Historic Trail.

Ms. Crowle also needs help in documenting sites of the BUTTERFIELD Overland Dispatch from Atchison to the military and territorial roads. If any of our members would like to help with this project, please contact Ms. Crowle at the Melvin Schoolhouse Museum Library, 16100 East Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, Colorado 80015.

A newspaper, entitled Pike's Peak Guide was printed in Leavenworth City, from 1359 by L. J. Eastin. Descendants of Mr. Eastin still live in Leavenworth County. If any of our members are familiar with this publication we would be interested in hearing from them as would the Smoky Hill Trail Association.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society was founded in 1954, as a project of the local Kiwanis Club. Our mission is to preserve and share the history of Leavenworth County. Our main site is the Victorian Carroll Mansion at 1128 Fifth Avenue. Other local organizations which collect and share specific areas of local history only complement our efforts. We would like to share with our members information about these other local historical organizations in the county.

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During the last few weeks the Historical Society has had booths at several area festivals, including PAIR Day at Fort Leavenworth, the Leavenworth County Fair, the Best of Leavenworth, and we will have a booth at the Riverfest on September 13-14, 1997.

While we are sharing information about the historical Society and Museum, we are also looking for volunteers to help staff the museum and coordinate the many programs we offer. We need your help. If you can support the museum by volunteering just one afternoon per month it would be much appreciated.

We need volunteers to give tours, staff the gift shop, as well as help in cataloging, organizing and sorting historical material. If you can give a few hours each month to the Historical Society, please call Robert or Christine at the museum at 913-682-7759.

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The Herb Committee of the Leavenworth County Historical Society has been asked to sell refreshements for the Annual Mum Fest at Homestead Gardens, the weekend of October 4-5, 1997. This will give the Herb Fest 1998 a head start in funding, as well as an opportunity to share information about the Leavenworth County Historical Society.

We are in need of volunteers to bake Ginger Cookies for our refreshment table. Please find below a copy of the Ginger Cookie Recipe. We will calling on people to help us in baking these cookies. if you can bake a batch or two please call the Herb Committee at (913) 682-7759. If you are interested in helping serve at the Mum Fest please let the museum staff know at the above phone number.

2 cups all purpose flour 1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. ground cloves 1/2tsp salt
1/4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar
2 Tbsp molasses 1 egg

Combine the flour, baking soda, spices and salt. Beat the shortening for 30 seconds. Add salt and beat until fluffy. Add molasses and egg. Beat until combined. Shape into 11/2 inch balls. Dip into a small bowl of water and a bowl of additional sugar. (For a lighter coating just dip in sugar.) Arrange the sugar coated balls 'I inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes or until cookies are light brown on the bottom. Cool the cookies on wire racks. Makes 20 cookies.

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The museum often gets requests from vendors for our member's names and addresses. Please note that the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum never releases a member's name or address, unless we have prior permission. Many companies ask us to share their services with our members. We keep in our society files these requests. If any of our members are interested in Book Searches, Family Tree Services, or National and Regional Historical Societies, or other like vendors, please come to the Museum office, and ask Robert for more information.

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A word from your friends in Lupus, Missouri. The keelboat that was the exact replica of the one Lewis and Clark brought up the Moss in 1804 which was built by Glen Bishop,' and which was piloted up the Missouri River last year, was destroyed by fire in January of 1997. This wonderful boat stopped in Leavenworth last summer, and was quite an attraction for several days. During the boat's visit last summer there were lectures, exhibits, tours, and even a lunch at the VA Center for her pilots. This Historical Society was saddened to hear of the news that this unique treasure was lost to fire. The good news however, is that Glen Bishop is going to rebuild the keelboat! He has also decided to build two pirogues--like those Lewis and Clark had on the expedition.

The Bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark expedition is just around the comer, and Glen and his friends are going to need our help to have his boats ready in plenty of time for 2004. In fact, he says he can build all three boats in 3 years. Now Lupus, Missouri is a river town of 39 people. They have had their own share of adventures in the past few years. They have challenged a]U the Communities that the Keelboat visited last er to help raise the needed funds to rebuild the Keelboat Discovery. They have raised $1,000 and ask that other river towns match their gift. For more information on this challenge, please contact the City of Lupus, 3810 Walnut Street, Jamestown, Missouri 65046.

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Many corporations have a program where they match gifts given to non-profit groups by their employees. We have received additional funding from Hallmark Cards, and Southwestern Bell Corporation, because some of our members are employees of or are retired from these companies. For example, Annabelle Morris, a long-time society member, gives a gift each year, and each year Southwestern Bell matches her gift. If your company has a matching gift program please remember that next time you donate funds or time to the Leavenworth County ffistoiical Society. If you aren't sure if your company matches gifts, please ask at your local personnel office.

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A re-enactment of the departure of four Leavenworth County men for the gold fields of the Yukon is being planned for March 30, 1998. The men were Bertrand Huckins, Frank PowelL Will Richardson, and Fred Richardson. We are looking for their descendants and photos of these men or any other persons from this area who went to the Yukon Gold Rush.

We are also looking for people to portray these four men and a small band to re-enact the sendoff they had 100 years ago. We will also be looking for people to portray the local business men who were their financial backers. If you have any information, photos, or would like to get involved in -this project please contact Debra Graden at (913) 682-8181 or write to P.O. Box 281, Leavenworth, Kansas 66048.

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Our annual open house is schedeuled for Sunday October 5, 1997 from 1:00 to 4:00 P.M. at the Museum to celebrate Cultural Awareness Month. Admission is free, with refreshments and tours conducted by the Historical Society Board Members. And make a special note that the Carrie Hall Star Quilt will be given away at 3:00.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society has been an active organization for more than 40 years. It was founded by volunteers, and has growm to a membership of over 400 families. Tens of thousands of visitors have visited the Museum while thousands of others have benefited from the many programs offered by the society.

Since the early 1970's there has been a paid administrator for the staffing of the museum At first it was a caretaker, who lived in the museum building, then it was a part-time person, who was responsible for opening and closing the museum. Today the Administrator is a full time position, and is responsible for scheduling tours, developing exhibits, administrating society programs, and even ensuring that the trash is taken to the curb each Monday. Since the summer of 1989, the Administrator has been Robert A. Holt. Robert started volunteering at the museum in 1987, and was hired in 1988 as weekend administrator. During the summer of 1989, Robert was acting director, and after he graduated from Saint Mary College he was given the position of Administrator.

This July, Robert submitted his resignation to the Board of Directors. He plans to continue his education at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. starting in the Fall of 1998. The board of directors has started the task of finding a new administrator, and is currently reviewing the job description, and salary package. It is hoped that a new administrator could be hired by early spring of 1998, to ensure a smooth transition.

While Robert has been administrator several projects have been completed, including the re-tuckpointing of the entire museum structure which was a $40,000 project. The museum has received several federal grants for self assessments, general operating support, and for a conservation assessment. Visitation has seen a steady growth, and off-site programing has been developed. Just in the last year, the society has received over $100,000 in grants for preservation efforts. Robert will be missed; however, administrators have left in the past, and the society has only flourished with new ideas and new blood. Rooert reports that he will miss the museum and all the volunteers and staff he worked with over the years. However he does plan to keep in touch and visit often.

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The Leavenworth County Historical Society received the following memorials since the last edition of the Historical Society Gazette. All memorials are deposited into the Memorial Fund. Anyone is welcome to send memorials to the Mstoriclal Society. These funds help cover the costs of the Historic Plaque Program and provide suppose in the preservation of artifacts.

Donor In Memory of
Caroline Moore Mary Hazels
Caroline Moore Wendy Zumalt
Paul Haskins Adair Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Homer D. Cory, Jr. Herman A. Ochs, Jr.
Joyce & Norm Arnold Thompson Biggar
The Auvil Family Hisae Guthrie

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Robert A. Holt, Museum Administrator
* Grey Ink, Designer
John H. Johnston III, Volunteer Editor
The Historical Society Gazette is published quarterly for members of the Leavenworth County Historical Society and Museum
Send comments/suggestions to:

[email protected]